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Exercise your right to vote today

                     ˓ ❦ParlorG̣ạṃẹː Build ʻyourselfʼ out of a story.
                       ...in which... ˒Anyone can be anyone˓                       
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
                        CENSUS: strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
*Votes are anonymous (because thatʼs our thing) and are intended solely to gauge interest in the potential creation of another season. If youʼd like to see a new season of Tintype, click the button in the link above. Weʼll only consider moving forward with the project if we reach a certain number of votes.
accounts in danger of being deleted: the list extends; to defer this, log into the accounts.
accounts in danger of being deleted: the list extends; to defer this, log into the accounts.
I’m working lateee cause I’m a singerrrr; (I forgot that you have to post 3 pics to be taken seriously by the algorithm)
I’m working lateee cause I’m a singerrrr
Happy Census day.; strawpoll.com/e6Z2Ae8DMgN
Happy Census day.
We are happy to see you so enthusiastic.
We are happy to see you so enthusiastic.
Elliot has been promoted to the title of director.
Elliot has been promoted to the title of director.
Introducing a new producer to the team.
Introducing a new producer to the team.
Our host is so popular that he has to be nominated for every single category imaginable.
Our host is so popular that he has to be nominated for every single category imaginable.
I might secretly be running the show.
I might secretly be running the show.

Comentarii album • 243
Sunt afișate ultimele comentarii. Vezi toate
elliot 23 iunie 2024  
Am I still getting payed?
elliot 23 iunie 2024  
With this show I am scared a promotion might mean no money instead of more
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
Certainly, a salary increase is forthcoming, potentially allowing you to afford a hotel room now.
breatheme 23 iunie 2024  
au trecut cateva luni eu zic sa mai auzim de la rhys si noorain !
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
The showrunners are currently engaged in negotiations with the couple to arrange for the wedding to be televised.
RhysRemington 23 iunie 2024  
You guys know I love to be on Tintype! Make it a segment in the next season
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
Should the competition proceed, the show's producer would be interested in a sample showcasing contestants' participation in wedding organization with your consent, or alternatively, in organizing the bachelor/bachelorette party.
breatheme 23 iunie 2024  
dar salariu e ac, da?
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
The salary is contingent upon the season's performance and will be disbursed after filming concludes. Mr. Badgley, due to the financiers' dissatisfaction with the show's TV ratings, you have received no monetary compensation. However, you have been granted a bonus of free TV advertising.
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
breatheme 23 iunie 2024  
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
nici nu tre sa votezla poll ce ai facut
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
This poll is designed to gauge interest in producing another season. We need to reach a specific number of votes to move forward with the project. Your participation is crucial—thank you for your support!
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
am dat deja oo
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
hei astept sa host uiesc de ani de zile alo
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
We apologize, but priority access is reserved for our VIP host, Matty Healy, who plays a crucial role in securing funding for the reality TV show. Thank you for your understanding.
Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
de inteles
sa ma notezi pt octombrie da
Tintype 23 iunie 2024  
I will take it into consideration.

Sprezzatura 23 iunie 2024  
bn ms te pup

Tintype 26 februarie 2024  
Update from Rhys:

Weird timing from an update during the off seasons. But if anyone is seeing this. Hi lady or mister host!!! This is my update:

Hi everyone! It's always good to be back on Tintype! The show always brings out lovely memories and a lot of nostalgia. I will try to be short, but I think we all know I don't really know how to do this. This, - This is an unusual type of update. Nothing major happened in my life. I mean, sure I might win my 4th Tony soon. But, it's nothing compared to what this update might end up meaning.
I knew from the moment the idea popped in my mind. I knew I wanted to do it here. Why here? Because we met on this show. We even fought on live television on the sequel shows. How could I not when Tintype means so much to our relationship?
No! I won't ask on live TV! I would never! I would like to tell myself I am more romantic than that. But, as you are seeing this me and Noorain are at my favorite Brodway stage, alone, watching the first thing we ever watched together( Yes, it was Wicked), champagne in hand and the Eevee plushy I Got her before our date started sitting next to us. And when the bootleg of Wicked finishes, I will get on the stage and ask.
But you guys at home should all know it's happening too. * Elliot behind the camera starts mumbling something, Rhys' eyes widened*
That's right! I forgot to tell you guys what am I even doing here! Thank's, buddy! I am going to ask Chibi to marry me! Isn't that exciting? I am a nervous wreck actually. Seen by me even forgetting to tell you why I am here.
Do you guys at home want to see the ring? Okay, here's a look at it. I really hoped she ends up liking it. Well Rhys from when you are actually seeing this already knows. Thank you Elliot and team from prefilming and airing it right when I ask. Yes, Yes. The ring. Right * imgbox.com/gWCCpk5P *
I already asked her parents weeks ago over dinner. My mom knows. She says Hi!!! What else? Oh, right. This would be the perfect time to also ask Aske a question.
Buddy, would you please be my best man? I can't get married without you. I have my whole wedding party in mind but I will announce more if she says yes. Why? I think we might have a small fight over Red and in who's wedding party she will be in.
With that being said. I love Noorain, losing her was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I could wake up tomorrow and lose all my Tonys and I would still be happy if I had her.
Now there is only one thing left to do: Hope she says yes.
NoorainZiadeh 26 februarie 2024  
Is Rhys…—are you proposing to me? Did I get that right? Oh my God, my anxiety level just went up to 1000. Wait until I tell Red the news! SHE’S GOING TO BE SO EXCI-! Oh right, OF COURSE I’LL MARRY YOU! You are literally my soulmate and I truly believe we were meant to be, Schoompy. I love you!
Tintype 20 februarie 2024  
  P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    16ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Xīngxīng Lí, at the helm of Pemberley
     1. Reneé Rapp as Indra Beaufort, the Scholar Barbie/Student/Princess Academia (⊙).
     2. beourpower: İrem Kiziltac as Isidora Ariadna Hančar, Goddess Demeter (⊙).
     3. Sprezzatura: Jong Hoon Choi as Kira (키라) Kun, the Lost Soul (⊡).
     4. Mauriacs: Reuben Larkin as Charlie Paddington, the Enthusiast (⊡).
     5. Pemberley: Lin as Xīngxīng Lí, the Librarian (⊙).
     6. GiForce: Shasha Damsteegt as Kaile’a Manuwa, the Seductress (◬).
     7. aftertaste: Bianca Soler as Gianna de Santis, the Free Spirit (⊙).
     8. Nidaros: Theo James as Felipe Luiz de la Cruz, the Warrior (⊡).
     9. shiver: Benjamin Wadsworth as Addér Gávroche, the Traitor (◬).
     10. Maktub: Walid as Yusef Abuʽl Al-Qadi, the Best Friend (⊡).
     11. aftertaste: Evan Mock as Robbie Scott, the Charmer (◬).
IndraBeaufort 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie — 10.
Xingxing — 9.
Kaile'a — 8.
AlexandreGrimaldiCoste 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie Padington, 5,5—I can smell an air of refinement — the refinement of an elderly gent in his late 80s. Thus, a foul–smelling, malodorous air of refinement. Fie, I say!
Xingxing Lí, 5,4—I˞ve never seen such lifeless, monotonous, mundane whatsits in my entire life.
Kaile˞a Manwa,  3,2—5 out of 9 of your photos are almost identical, how on Patron Saint of Monaco˞s name can you call that a ˞moodboard˞! You˞re one of those aristocrats with lots of money and no personality! Shameful. Upsetting. Go buy one. Fie, I say!
Malina 20 februarie 2024  
Ai! ☼

Charlie, 8
Xingxing, 10
Kaile’a, 10
Maurice 20 februarie 2024  
bună seara!
speram să vă fie dor de mine și de insuflările pe care le fac acestei comunități.
pen... *strâmbă din nas*, mă rog... pariziene, nepariziene...
hai să acordăm punctaj,
charlie, 10... cel mai frumos personaj! te ador, spectral!
kaile'a, 10 pentru the nepo baby face! foarte bine conturat!
xingxing, cam șubred, sincer, mă așteptam la ceva mai mult, ceva mai... mhm, un 8. puteai mai bine și de-asta aș vrea să văd... mai bine!

o seară magnifique!
RenArquette 20 februarie 2024  
Bonjour — Charlie, 8 — XingXing, 10 — Kaile’a, 7
sylvink 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie — you look like you would get a random tattoo, 9
Xingxing — you look like you would get a heart or a sun tattooed, 4
Kaile’a — you look like you wouldn’t get a tattoo, 2
Raven 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie, 5
Xing, 4
Kaile’a, 4
ArnaudCathrine 20 februarie 2024  
  Good evenin', so what's the verdict on tonight's dating show? Am I still eligible to remain on the job?
Charlie, so, have you found your soul mate? Have there been any incidents that might alter your decision? 10.
Xingxing, you've solved other people's concerns rather than your own. Are you planning to steal my job? 7.
Kaile'a, not right!, Oftentimes, money doesn't bring you love! It's a void that can't be filled with anything else. 8.
MissPessina 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie, 5.
Xing, 7.
Kaile’a, 10.
BrinleyHarper 20 februarie 2024  
Kaile’a, 10
Xing, 9
Charlie, 8
KhairPrinceton 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie, 8.
Xing, 8
Kaile’a, 10
SylvieNoelle 20 februarie 2024  
Charlie — you look like you would get a random tattoo, 7
Xingxing — you look like you would get a heart or a sun tattooed, 4
Kaile’a — you look like you wouldn’t get a tattoo, 2
ArielEgilsdottir 20 februarie 2024  
  GoD I loathe dating shows.
  Charlie, 8   just hope you're just taking on the aesthetics of an old-timey man and not the behavior too.
  Xingxing, 10    I dig the fit––-quick question, can you block mail from someone?
  Kaile'a, 9    I'll give you 10 if you donate some cash to the Girls' Brigade.
LeviRainer 20 februarie 2024  
uuuuuf, ich werde nicht einmal etwas sagen…

charlie, 7
xingxing, 6 pls make axl shut up
kaile'a, 3 not my can of beer
PrudenceMerriweatherPost 20 februarie 2024  
Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, — Mr. Penn, I'm very fortunate to meet you at my Countess's own lodgings, at the Ritz Hotel. How have your Lordships' lives been? I hope you are all well. We shall chat more later, over a glass of champagne. I'll have one popping in a moment, while I have a look at at this season's finalists. Right:
— Charlie, Sir, you're rated 8 tonight. You exude an air of quaint bourgeoisness. I can see that you don't come from a noble family, but you've had a high quality education, and you've been around in genteel social circles.
— Xingxing, wholeheartedly, a grade of 7. Your modesty and simplicity radiate throughout your photo album. I have not been an escort on Her Ladyship's trip to Asian countries, but I can only long to travel to those lands.
— Kaile'a, I can't refrain from subjectively weighing in on this ruling, I was asked to give a passing grade, 5. Her Majesty was in long treaties to own the island state, Hawaii, if it wasn't for your father. But I hold no grudge!
AeraKaiPark 19 februarie 2024  
Hiiiiii, sugar-plums,

아름다운 소녀 Xing, 9
이국적인 소녀 Kaile’a, 8
곰 소년 Charlie, 7
OpheliaGilwraeth 19 februarie 2024  
bissssshhhhh feels soooooo good to be backkkkk

Xingxing girly 6 maybe you can find where the fck my gf is????
Charlie bear 6, sorry not sorry
Kaile’a ?¿ your parents named you with a ’ huh 5
SereiaAbrantes 19 februarie 2024  
♡⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹ ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა Óla
Xingxing ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 10
Kaile’a ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 10
Charlie ⋆˙⊹⁺♡ 9
MattyHealy 19 februarie 2024  
What was with that absolute low-spectacle circus of misfits parading on our screens? The dating show's antics had made me thank THE GODS for making me an asexual.

A 6 to the old boy, the train enthusiast who's taken fashion tips from the retirement home. I figured I'd throw him a bone since we're both Brits. But, trains, trains of all things! Forget Tinder, this bloke's probably swiping right on locomotives. Come on chap, all aboard the forward express – next stop, Pooooost-modernity.

A 4 to the Pooost-office girl. Your aesthetic takes me on a nostalgic trip back to the MySpace era. It's all rather unsettling, I can't decide whether I should be reaching for a pacifier or an aspirin to endure the sight. I would have given you a 5 if you'd put up glittery pictures. We <3 it! The cat, I mean.

A 2 to the rich girl from Hawaii who thinks she's Sharpay Evans. As if we hadn't had enough Prudences and Chambreys already. I mean, really, what on Earth are the wealthy doing on a money-prized show anyway? Haven't they squeezed every penny from their family trust funds, or are they just here to collect spare change for the helicopter pad at the summer estate? And NO I didn't date Taylor Swift. Don't fall for all the rubbish in the tabloids.

Well, isn't it a smashing achievement, Penn? You've orchestrated the one dating show in the annals of history with no actual dating being done. Quite the accomplishment, old chap.
ElineNessina 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie 7
Xing 8
Kaile’a 9
TrinidadLoughty 19 februarie 2024  
Xingxing, 9.
Kaile'a, 9.
Charlie, 10.
GiannadeSantis 19 februarie 2024  
¤ Charlie: 9 ; For it seems that maybe- just maybe, we are not quite the enemies in this life either. Friends? Mayhaps. Only time would tell. The woods told me to be less harsh about your activities.
¤ Xing: 10; With all my heart. This is my letter to you, sister. I can only hope the old Gods bless you with a win.
¤ Kaile`a: 8; For we haven't spoke that much. But in the end we are all Children of nature, connected.
SilviuFaiar 19 februarie 2024  
kailea 10.
xingxing 8.
charlie 8.
KiraKun 19 februarie 2024  
Xingxing, 10.
Charlie, 9.
Kaile'a, 9.
BlaiseDelacroix 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie, 9.
Xing, 9,
Kaile’a, 9.
RoninSato 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie, 9.
Kaile'a, 8.
Xing, 10.
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie — 7.
Xing — 10
Kaile’a — 7.
GinervaLudovicaManon 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie • 10
Xing • 9
Kaile’a • 8
CalliopeLykaios 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie — 7
Xing — 7
Kaile’a 9
RobbieScott 19 februarie 2024  
Penn// 10. Charlie// 9. Kaile`a// 8. Xing//7.
AdderGavroche 19 februarie 2024  
Addér~ oop- I’m not here anymore

Charlie~ 10
Xing~ 7
Kaile’a~ 2
OttovandeHoek 19 februarie 2024  
⁄Charlie: 6⁄
⁄Xingxing: 3⁄
⁄Kaile'a: 10⁄
BenoitAntoine 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie 9
Xing 8
Kaile’a 7
FrancisBraque 19 februarie 2024  
kaileꫂa, ooh, the instagram beachy girl, soo authentic, best thing since sliced bread, 4
  xing, y4ea well, at least youꫂre beautiful, 6
charlie, look, i dig the vibe, but youꫂre a tad boring, 6
AkemiMinato 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie 6
Xing 7
Kaile’a 9
KaitoWatanabe 19 februarie 2024  
charlie ♤ 7
xing ♤ 7
kaile'a ♤ 5
FinleyDunne 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie ◇ 6
Xing ◇ 10
Kaile'a ◇ 10
Always here for my girlies
SeksJagger 19 februarie 2024  
3 charli thats so not rock n roll of you
10 xing cause maybe u re friends with my wife or ex wife who knows i never signed them peppers
10 kai my dream life after i retire from my solo career coming soon debut album the orphan in nov
IsabelleRossi 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie: 8
Xing: 8
Kaile'a: 10
ChambrayPessina 19 februarie 2024  
Ugh, do we really have to do this?

Charlie — 3
Xing — 8
Kaile’a — 9
elliot 19 februarie 2024  
Pretend I wasn't here the whole time— It's the first time I am seeing everyone, right?
Charlie; — 10 for my mate
Xing; — 10. Hello friend
Kaile'a — 10 too
NoorainZiadeh 19 februarie 2024  
10 for the girlies<3
5 for Charlie
RhysRemington 19 februarie 2024  
Hi, Chibi! Did you know tintype is a dating show, now? It means we absolutely have to go on a date now!!!! When in Paris..
KaidanMagalhaes 19 februarie 2024  
xingxing 10
charlie 7.
kailea 9.
HeathLynch 19 februarie 2024  
3 for the dude sorry man i like chicks
asina chick you have a 7
rich chick 9
GaepHawrn 19 februarie 2024  
xingxing: 8.
charlie: 9.
kailea: 8.
MaireaddulaGothiez 19 februarie 2024  
xingxing: 10
charlie: 10
kailea: 8.
SikCender 19 februarie 2024  
kailea 10
charli 2 poor
xinxin poor 5
DurantLievChiminosear 19 februarie 2024  
kailea 10
charlie 10
xinxn 10
AmosVolf 19 februarie 2024  
what am I even doing here?; 1 for all
AndresMarkeviciute 19 februarie 2024  
xingxing lol 6
kailea rich 9.
charlie poor 3
AzureRedford 19 februarie 2024  
 xingxing: 10.
 kailea: 9.
 charlie: 10.
AxlMoore 19 februarie 2024  
• grandma fcker- 3
• post office lady - 9 if ya make my darling darling forgive me
• rich chick - 3
JuliettelEplattenier 19 februarie 2024  
  ⊱ Charlie: 10,
 Xingxing: 10,
  ⊱ Kaile'a: 10.
LunaFernandezVidal 19 februarie 2024  
Charlie: 10 por el guapo❤️
xing: ¡hola! guapa! always good to see you, 10 and not just because you hold all my secrete ❤️
kaile'a: 10 por la guapa❤️
LucasWard 19 februarie 2024  
Ten to everyone guyssss you all rock i love it besties
SechsAlastor 19 februarie 2024  
charlie: 10 it reminds me of my uncleeeEEe~~ and i only have GOOD AND FUNN MEMories with him
xingxing: 2 lame but u r hot
kaile'a: 2 lame but u r also hooT
RhysRemington 19 februarie 2024  
Tintype is a dating show now? I LOVE LOVE! So excited to be back, guys!
Charlie: 10
Xing: 10
Kaile'a : 10
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
The time has come. I invite as many past contestants as possible to rate each moodboard from 1-10. May the luckiest one win!
AdderGavroche 19 februarie 2024  
I look good in black and white~
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
      ˓❦   ゚ ‘FinalṜound⁚ Moodboard. Watching our contestants
stumble through their futile attempts at love has been nothing short of agonizing. But luckily for me, today's
the day I'm parting ways with each of you. No, XīngXīng, don't hand me your handkerchief, I'm don't feel
doleful! I D-O-N-T. N-O. If anything, these are tears of happiness. Being the host of this show has inflicted
nothing but anguish upon me, and it was truly unbearable. I won't miss any of you. You were more dreadful
than most apprentices I've ever encountered in a kitchen. That and a ridiculous bunch, clearly unfit for love.
But at least you have friendship, right? Certainly, you're all nodding in agreement like a bunch of dummies.
You're all as nutty as a fruitcake! With that said, let the final round commence, so I can say goodbye, and
good riddance, at last!             ‘͟Ṫ͟a͟s͟k͟:͟ Flaunt your personality in 9 representative photos.
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
Apart from Robbie, of course.
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
Addér became ensnared in Romy's trap, and as a result, he is the one who has to leave instead of Kaile'a being eliminated. (for confusion: he was the initial proponent of eliminating Kaile'a.)
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
Heath opted to give his points to Charlie, Xīngxīng, and Kaile'a.
shiver 19 februarie 2024  
1. Adder
2. Heath
3. Charlie
4. Xingxing
5. Kaile’a
Pemberley 19 februarie 2024  
 1ˢᵗ place: Heath,
 2ⁿᵈ place: Adder,
 3ʳᵈ place: Charlie,
 4ᵗʰ place: Xingxing,
 5ᵗʰ place: Kaile’a.
GiForce 19 februarie 2024  
1. Heath
2. Charlie.
3. Zing.
4. Adder.
5. Kaile’a
Mauriacs 19 februarie 2024  
1, adder
2, heath
3, charlie
4, xingxing
5, kaile’a
aftertaste 19 februarie 2024  
1. heath, okay deci cartea asta e undeva în top 5 preferate of all time, pur și simplu nu pot să nu te pun pe primul loc. ador din tot sufletul meu
2. charlie, nu e în top 5, dar undeva în top 20 sigur o găsești și îmi place paragraful ales
3. adder, la fel ca și la charlie, este undeva în top 20 and you can never ever ever go wrong with frankenstein in my book
4. xing, ador e efectiv genul de carte ce te vad să o citești tu față drăguță
5. kailea, sincer e o alegere interesanta, dar cumva nu ma așteptăm să fie vibeul tău? still love it, dar ca să fiu extrem de sincera nu am citit o și am mai multe sentimente legat de cărțile de mai sus
i like judging books as you can see=))
Sprezzatura 19 februarie 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place: Xingxing
        2ⁿᵈ place: Adder
        3ʳᵈ place: Kailea
        4ᵗʰ place: Charlie
        5ᵗʰ place: Heath
Tintype 19 februarie 2024  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
        4ᵗʰ place:
        5ᵗʰ place:
KaileaManuwa 19 februarie 2024  
 "Meet me at the museum" by Anne Youngson is absolutely my current obsession, I love how the novel captures the exchanged letters between Tina and Anders, the deep and meaningful connections, hopes, regrets, and reflections on on what might have been.

 "Our letters have meant so much to us because we have both arrived at the same point in our lives. More behind us than ahead of us. Paths chosen that define us. Enough time left to change."
HeathLynch 19 februarie 2024  
For the longest time, “The Great Gatsby” had its run on my top pick, something about its vibe just clicked with me. But then I crossed paths with “The Master&Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov. Guess why it shot straight to number one? Certain experiences, they just leave a mark.

“The tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes never! You're asked an unexpected question, you don't even flinch, it takes just a second to get yourself under control, you know just what you have to say to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and nothing in your face twitches to give you away. But the truth, alas, has been disturbed by the question, and it rises up from the depths of your soul to flicker in your eyes and all is lost. Love leaped out in front of us like a murderer in an alley leaping out of nowhere, and struck us both at once. As lightning strikes, as a Finnish knife strikes! She, by the way, insisted afterward that it wasn’t so, that we had, of course, loved each other for a long, long time, without knowing each other, never having seen each other.”
AdderGavroche 19 februarie 2024  
I’ll always go with a classic~ I hate the way new books are being written, where’s the goddamn sense?

Anywaaaay~ I’m going for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ❝It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another

❝Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments; yet, when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.
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