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Interviews in our Magazine

                ˓❦ Ṭịṇṭỵp̣ẹ Ịṇṭẹṛṿịẹẉṣ.
                 Coming up next... [?]
           You can submit questions for me to ask him.
           If a past player wishes to take an interview,
                        ᴰᴼmessage me.
⁽¹⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽¹⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽²⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽²⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽³⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽³⁾      Interview with Isabelle Rossi
⁽¹⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽¹⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽²⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽²⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽³⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽³⁾   Interview with Magnús Gunnarsson
⁽¹⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽¹⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽²⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽²⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽³⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽³⁾    Interview with Felix Columbeanu
⁽¹⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant
⁽¹⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant
⁽²⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant
⁽²⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant
⁽³⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant
⁽³⁾    Interview with Sylvester Bryant

Comentarii album • 8
GenesisSeydoux 12 ianuarie 2022  
Lit only by the lanterns of La Maison Rose,
Shall you rendezvous with me there?
ViggoVanEyck 9 ianuarie 2022  
I was not that befuddled
aftertaste 9 ianuarie 2022  
oh is sylvester still alive?=))
Tintype 9 ianuarie 2022  
we'll find out!
aftertaste 9 ianuarie 2022  
as luna i have to say my man is the best and i love the part about us
but as belle..i still wonder why he is allowed here=)) cred ca doar o noapte la spitalu 9 nu a fost deajuns

lene sa ma loghez pe conturile lor
FantinoBentivoglio 7 ianuarie 2022  
The head-on-my-shoulder part was supposed to remain a secret–
MagnusGunnarsson 7 ianuarie 2022  
It was difficult not to share that wholesome moment.
Maktub 7 ianuarie 2022  
omg vedete (๑ ⓛ ω ⓛ ๑)
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