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Archive of our own from XI - XII

colaboratori: Tintype Mauriacs
                    ˓❦ParlorG̣ạṃẹː Build ʻyourselfʼ out of a story.
                      ...in which... ˒Anyone can be anyone˓
          S͜͡E͜͡A͜͡S͜͡O͜͡N͜͡ ͜͡X͜͡I͜͡I͜͡I͜͡ᵗʰ    .̷̸past W̲i̲n̲n̲e̲r̲s̲  :imgur.com/a/isvXG1Z    
         TINTYPE Bank /  prices   /  currency exchange
              per update = 1 upd;  per list = 1 typ = 0.5 upd.
               –– 10 upds for a randomly generated card,
               –– 15 upds for a Minor card of your choice,
               –– 20 upds for black cards & 1st place cards.

        24h/  to respond to task     ...if you are late but announce in advance,
            I will allocate you minutes but they will cost you from the score you get.
                  If you come up short on the points, you are disqualified.
          1 disqualification = a black mark /   / 2 black marks = ban from one season
         6h/  to respond as an Influencer ...lose your decision right but keep your immunity.   
A page from the wallpaper notebooks of William Morris & Co. c. 1860s
A page from the wallpaper notebooks of William Morris & Co. c. 1860s

Comentarii album • 1233
Sunt afișate ultimele comentarii. Vezi toate
Mauriacs 6 octombrie 2022  
nici acum n am citit raspunsul lung a lui azure.
Mauriacs 6 octombrie 2022  
it seems like decades ago
TrippVanWyngarden 29 septembrie 2022  
Mauriacs 6 octombrie 2022  
rip trip tripp
entouragesprd 27 iulie 2022  
ce l pui pe uratu ala frate
Nidaros 25 iulie 2022  
Eu cred ca reprezinta ca e paula
Tintype 26 iulie 2022  
eu nu mai stiu ce sa cred
aftertaste 25 iulie 2022  
dar nu ne-ai lamurit ce reprezinta
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
arta nu trebuie explicata, ci vazuta si interpretata!!!!!!!
Almighty 25 iulie 2022  
si mie
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
Pemberley 25 iulie 2022  
mie imi plac foarte mult pozele
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
Sprezzatura 25 iulie 2022  
ba frt imi iei pinea de la gura
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
e de la jale si jelly
Mauriacs 25 iulie 2022  
dc pui fluturi sa creada lumea ca sunt eu host?? pff trust me nu ii vei atrage asa.
Mauriacs 25 iulie 2022  
*screenshots it to show it to alex*
Mauriacs 25 iulie 2022  
omg cate likeuri am
Mauriacs 25 iulie 2022  
nu intelegi de ce mai incerci cand nu te vrea nimeni efectiv nici macar eu nu m am bagat si sunt creatoarea jocului e absolut de rasul curcii fetito just delete the account already geez!
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
frt in primul rând asta e pag mea deci masoara ti cuvintele domnisoara, si in al doilea rând ms ca ne ai fc favorul de a scapa de tnnn:))
younghope 22 iulie 2022  
Superbe poze! Trebuie să mă reobisnuiesc, ce reprezintă? ✨
Tintype 25 iulie 2022  
e la interpretarea fiecărui vizitator! tu ce vezi?
Tintype 20 iulie 2022  
    Besties, our radars are beeping, we have a locked target on you, we are watching; and if we noticed something and, trust us, we did, is the thing you all seem to have in common... a long developed sneaky fondness of hiding from each other. Or avoiding each other. You can't excuse it calling it 'time zone' difference. We know you too well. And for that we are putting you eye to eye. Contestants are called from all over the world to the city of last season's winner. This season they will move into separate apartments within the same building in London.
Tintype 20 iulie 2022  
            ...You have to create a character; as if you create one for a book or a movie.
            You’ll be both the writer and the actor of your creation. You’ll have to pick for
            your creation: f̣ạc̣ẹ-̣c̣ḷạịṃ ̣(̣c̣ẹḷẹḅṛịṭỵ)̣, ̣f̣ụḷḷ ̣ṇạṃẹ, ̣c̣ịṭy, ̣ạgẹ,̣ ạṇḍ his ̣ọc̣c̣ụp̣ạṭịọṇ.
            After the first round, when you will take a first look at the other competitors,
            you’ll receive your personal account. There you'll find your public 'instagram'
            which you'll have to take care of, and your private board. After that, you are
            free to talk with the other players, comment on their ‘Tintype page' whatever.
            To aid you in building your character’s personality, each round you'll have to
            answer my questionnaire according to his aesthetics; you&the other players
            will be judged by the ‘Audience’ of the game (sunphoto accounts, including
            yours, but try not to get caught! A player can get rid of you if they find out it
            is you who's behind your character's mask); So that's about it. It's the game
            about popularity, strategies, aesthetics, charisma, friendships, love, snakes.
            And the fun part?            ...You get to pick your weapons...
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
  P̣ẹṛṣọṇạḷ Tintypes:  I'm happy to announce the winner of the competition:
    12ᵗʰ seasonʼs winner: Azure Redford, at the helm of Sprezzatura.
     1. Pemberley: Zizi Donohoe as Prudence Merriweather Post.
     2. x7Captivate: Erin Mommsen as Oskar Schweiger.
     3. Sprezzatura: Haley Bennett as Azure Redford.
     4. Nidaros: Bretman Rock as Eugine Agbayani ‘Anna Conda’.
     5. lesHydropathes: Ni Ni as Zhu Jìng-shěn.
     6. Maktub: George Culafic as Tripp ‘Diesel’ VanWyngarden.
     7. lithium: Avalon Lurks as Yngvild Yager.
     8. poisedchimera: Kim Woosung as Theon Im.
     9. shiver: petite.oh as Sereia Abrantes.
     10. aftertaste: Jeong Seung-Won as Kaito Watanabe.
     11. QueenCyrusx: Deva Cassel as Yasmine Mia DeLuca.
     12. sideeffectS: Pete Davidson as Kåsper Lindvjik.
     13. Ouroboros: Lana Del Rey as Eris Wardwell.
     14. ahegaowo: Grimes as Tansy Dalttoki.
     15. iMysticFalls: Esha Gupta as Renata Zavoranu.
     16. kidrauhlox: G-Eazy as Gerald Earl Gillum.
     17. Sashimi: Ton Heukels as Elias Reneé Vissarion.
     18. yourcreepyuncle: Karen Gillan as Sapir Funchez.
     19. GiForce: Kristina Blackberry as Eliné Nessina.
lesHydropathes 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Oskar.
        2ⁿᵈ place: Azure.
        3ʳᵈ place: Prudence.
QueenCyrusx 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Azure
        2ⁿᵈ place: Oskar
        3ʳᵈ place: Prudence.
iMysticFalls 12 iulie 2022  
1. Oskar
2. Prudence
3. Azure
shiver 12 iulie 2022  
1. Oskar I can't ador maxim
2. Azure
3. Prudence
Pemberley 12 iulie 2022  
frt eu ti am dat poza sa ti bati joc de mn hai basti ?
       1ˢᵗ place: val
       2ⁿᵈ place: restul.
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
ce mi spui frate tu ce sa fac eu
‘pune poza la album’ NA!
2. re..d voiai sa spui
Pemberley 12 iulie 2022  
da cn te crezi tu frt s..... cu s?!
deci stie ca e pe locul 2 ;)
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
ce s ma…
mda imi stiu locu in viata ta-.- images.app.goo.gl/udUu6zTiguATouf59 hai lsm sa fac topu in care tu nu te afli
Pemberley 12 iulie 2022  
bda nu vezi ca stau inclinat precum 2 dintre concurenti.
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
ai cazut iar in mocirla
breatheme 12 iulie 2022  
x7Captivate 12 iulie 2022  
aftertaste 12 iulie 2022  
1. Azure
2. Prudence
3. Oskar
Pemberley 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Oskar,
        2ⁿᵈ place: Azure,
        3ʳᵈ place: Prudence.
poisedchimera 12 iulie 2022  
1. Oskar
2. Azure
3. Prudence
Almighty 12 iulie 2022  
1 azure wthhhhh m am indr sio de tine:((((
2 oskar ce cool esti si simpatic
3 prudy boss lady we love uu!!!
Sprezzatura 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: azure
        2ⁿᵈ place: oskar
        3ʳᵈ place: prudence
stiti ceva am plans de m au luat toti dracii
Nidaros 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place: Prudence
        2ⁿᵈ place: Azure
        3ʳᵈ place: Oskar
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
        1ˢᵗ place:
        2ⁿᵈ place:
        3ʳᵈ place:
AzureRedford 12 iulie 2022  
 [Azure fleetingly pastel pasted letters in ink on early sheet,―signifying time, longing, gratitude and modesty,
 as it retains its nature.  The room is slightly dark, a diffused light, it fills the room like the petals of a barely
 awakened rose, you can only hear the creaking of the pen on the beaten material― and the fine breathing.]
   imgur.com/a/RWSdow8 ―atmosphere.

  ʿDear sir Rupet,
  We all know your controversial situation, I will not shy away from saying that we do not know. However, I
 want it to be noted that what I am saying is not with a poisoned connotation. What I want to say at the begi-  
 nning of this epistolary section is that you, sir, have shown elegance, empathy, and warmth. Which was un-
 expected and I also think that those who look alike―come together.  After all, my pride is my work, right?
  However, the goodness that is put to us, even for metaphorical situations, is difficult for me, ―because I
 could not use such an advantage for myself, not even remotely. So, I will have to show my gratitude for this
 hypothetical situation, but also for the ones I won,― I marveled― at and for whom I flourish in eternal love.
  What could I ask for?
  It seems that my life is magical, it seems that I get lost on ―the path of Eden― every day and I have no
 escape from bliss. I could hardly come back to my desires, I could hardly conceive that there are gaps in
 your life and that you will hardly be able to get where you want, ―thou hardly be able to get what you want.
 But there is, my dear lord, there is the heartbreaking pain of worldly torment,   ―there is the desire that
 smolders in your thoracic cavity and pushes you into iniquity just to get, just to have. Because we are, in
 fact, human, and without sin, ―we would be just dust. Yes, Rupert― I could hardly admit, drawing words
 and considerations, that ―I can ask you for a favor and I will ask you for it, I need it.   But what is it?
  First thing first, w̲h̲a̲t̲ I̲ w̲i̲s̲h̲, ―hypothetically―,   since you will be the person who will fulfill my wishes,
 because I avoid other terms, i̲s̲ f̲o̲r̲ y̲o̲u̲ t̲o̲ b̲e̲ h̲a̲p̲p̲y̲.  I want you to dance euphorically, Rupert, to tell me
 how your day was and empathetically to share a lavender tea under the diffused light covered by the juniper
 leaves,―   to tell me what excites you the most and to storytell me your youthful years. I want us to look
 into the ―Goddess's eye― and know we're fine, to see you laughing and see you shed a tear away from
 your cheek once Cordelia recites «The Pit Boy» to you.  This is my first wish, Rupert, I need to see you
 smiling, dear friend, ― to know that we are connected to these feelings ―dear to me before I ask for selfish
 favors, because otherwise I could not.   So, here's how I see myself laughing with you, my friend, enjoying
 quality time as well― Georges Hautecourt and Miss. Bonfamille¹. ⁄When you do dance, I wish you a wave
 o' the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that.⁄²
  Secondly, what do I want?  As long as I'm allowed to let my mind run away, I̲'d̲ l̲i̲k̲e̲ y̲o̲u̲ t̲o̲ l̲e̲a̲v̲e̲, but not
 at all. T̲r̲a̲v̲e̲l̲ w̲h̲e̲r̲e̲ I̲ t̲h̲i̲n̲k̲ and let my vain thoughts― r̲e̲a̲c̲h̲ m̲y̲ m̲o̲s̲t̲ b̲e̲l̲o̲v̲e̲d̲ h̲e̲a̲r̲t̲. Oh, but how do I know
 that the world will know― who I am talking about,―   about whom my fingers are deftly arching the letters
 non-stop, for who can be in my mind? Yes, I'm a free spirit ― locked in an earthly body for a while, but I'm
 for what I need, Rupert, and look how another need of mine is to ―confess― to you.    Because mama
 has something to say, [...]
 [The girl took a break in order to rummage through the drawer, from where she took a yellowed envelope, on
 which thou can see a date and an initial, a beautiful curved C. The envelope cracks. There is the letter. . .]
   imgur.com/a/SwElDih ―her letters.
   «To my beloved ladybug,
   Remember when Mommy asked you not to leave the porch?
   Well, I know you did.
   Do you remember when you served us with earth pies and grapes?
   Well, I remember that.
   Do you remember when I told you not to jump off the squeaky chair in the kitchen,
  because you're going to fall?
   Well, that's why you have a scar under your nose.
   Remember when you told me you didn't want to give up your crib named Thomas?
   Well, he's still in the attic, lost in time.
   Remember when you told me the Earth stopped in August?
   Well, because your uncle also remembers.
   Remember when you first told me that thou do not want me to leave you?
   My beloved, I am here.
   I will always be there for you, even if you left our porch, even if the our wildflowers are withering,
   even if you grew up, even if that nose is no longer twisted by innocence, but by the frustration of
  reality and I want you to know that your mother, just like you, went through this, with a tip and
  thick, but guess what?
   Your mother will never leave you, no matter what happens, my little Cordelia.
   Just remember that when my body is not here, but my spirit will be next to you.

                              Your ma―ma»
 [She switches back to her handwritten letter. . .]
  Rupert, promise me that these words will reach Cordelia when she becomes a full-fledged young lady
 who can provide for herself, for I do not want to be alone in case this ― Azure ― of nights separates us.
 Promise me that you will visit the future ― and tell her with just a smile,   ― a breeze from which
 she will be able to open what her ―mother wants to keep in her soul forever. 
    ⁄For where is she so fair whose uneared womb⁄ Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?
       ⁄ Or who is he so fond will be the tomb⁄Of his self-love, to stop posterity?
     ⁄Thou art thy mother’s glass, and she in thee⁄Calls back the lovely April of her prime;³
  And, after you remind Cordelia about this, about how it is to miss your mother, to miss it when life was
 a party to be thrown, but that was a million years ago.⁴  Make sure to remind yourself that too, Rupert,
 because you are definitely not alone.
  The last wish. . . G̲o̲ b̲a̲c̲k̲!
  A quieter February 13, 2013. When the clock struck and left this on the shattered window sill. [...]
 [The plum envelope. A gramophone is pressed, and the fine touches of the needle can be heard.]
   imgur.com/a/UPB3tdm ―gramophone.⁵
   «Lady Starlight,
   I am writing this letter to you, so you know
   that everything will change, but you will not know how.
   Maybe you'll find a gentleman beau,
   I know, it sounds weird, it sounds really wow.
   I know you have no hope, but
   will come, look in the mirror at the emerald irises,
   trust me, Azure, I know when was the last time you had your hair cut.
   The reality is dirty, the reality is a sample of viruses.

   But believe me when I tell you you won't hate engine odor anymore
   and you're going to lose that fear of flying, can you see?
   You will have an angel that you will love with all your core.
   Oh, and one more tip, if you meet Diesel, offer him, well, a big fee.
                         ⸻ ⅌»
  And so, my dear Rupert, is all I ask of you.
  I bow to you respectfully and say, thank you!
                    Yours cordially, Azure.ʾ
 ¹ Georges Hautecourt and Miss. Bonfamille ― youtu.be/PXFxQlO5pvQ.
 ² 'The Winter's Tale' (1610-1) act 4, sc. 3, l. 134.
 ³ Sonnet 3: 'Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest', (1604-2) l. 5-11.
 ⁴ 'Million Years Ago', Adele, 2015. ― youtu.be/Db9ciJPIaEU
 ⁵ 'Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland', Henry Burr, 1910. ― youtu.be/NAeMqGibd9g
OskarSchweiger 12 iulie 2022  
  ∕Ich brauche keinen Diener. But If I had a valet, he would certainly be my friend.
However, because I do like him, I will walk Rupert among the myths &∕the eerie legends of Germany.
 So his only ʻtasksʼ would be to follow& listen to me.
It would be unfamiliar for me, too, as I have never seen the places with my eyes.
Consider it ∕ ʻa dreamʼ∕ or whatever.
⒈  ʻThe White Lady of Hohenzollernʼ  ∕at the Hohenzollern
∕the castle in the clouds ∕ in the Swabian Alps, in southern Baden-Wurttemberg.
  imgur.com/a/wdRUCNY   imgur.com/a/f1GY8aC.
Itʼs been said that ʻthe White Ladyʼ, the Countess Kunigunde von Orlamünde, fell in love with the
Duke of Prussia, known as Albert the Fair, & wanted to marry him. His parents opposed the marriage.
The Duke told the Countess that ʻif it was not for four eyes between usʼ, he would marry her‒
she thought it was about her two children, so she  used a golden needle to pierce their eyes &
to murder them. Now she is seen walking around on the ramparts of the castle, wearing a long white veil.

⒉  ∕a boat cruise on the Rhine River ∕   ʻThe Loreleyʼ  ∕at the Upper Middle Rhine Valley
 near Sankt Goarshausen.   imgur.com/a/NsmNFBb.   the ʻmurmur rockʼ
Lore Lay, betrayed by her faithless lover, is accused of bewitching men &causing their death.
 She came to the rock &thinking she sees her love in the river, she falls to death.
The story was later adapted,   and Loreley is seen as a beautiful siren, with a golden mane,
sitting on the cliff &enticing shipmen with her song,  causing destruction, as they crush onto the rock.

⒊  ʻDie Riviera Grünauʼ   ∕the ballroom ∕  before that the name was ʻGesellschaftshausʼ
as in a place for high society to meet& it was a modest beer house. Later it became a luxury
spot for Berlinʼs nobility.   imgur.com/a/jqhAS4e   imgur.com/a/XXkNpMK.
Soon there will be nothing left. The sound of melody& the last steps dancing will be like A faded memory.

∕Bonus ∕   Freie Universität Berlinʼs Institute of Anatomy,  opened in 1949& closed in 2005
now abandoned& vandalized,  in ∕Berlin. ∕ This was a place I used to visit when I was little.
  imgur.com/a/uBQS9Ng.  I used to go to my grandfatherʼs classes biology,
as he was a teacher for a couple of years at that university. I was too little. I donʼt remember much.
Now the place is crushed by the ruins, as it seems, and the institute has moved to another location.

P.S: This area is quite illegal to enter now.
Iʼm sure Prudence will help me& Rupert with the bail, if necessary, since this was  her  idea.
PrudenceMerriweatherPost 12 iulie 2022  
— "A valet is a consummate personal servant, able to fetch, deliver, and perform its master’s –every- need.
Valet Skills: a valet treats Craft, Perform, and Profession as class skills."
 ・Craft: A valet’s master shares Craft skills and item creation feats with the valet. This replaces alertness.
 When working together on projects, valets seem to move uncannily in tandem with their master, passing tools/ materials without speaking a word, and even when not directly helping them, they take the next step.
I don’t need a third eye to foresee the future! I need an extra helping hand from Rupert! I Need Him to wield
my hand fan after I’ve dived into jade and amethyst at Juan-les-Pins, to crush the ice before handing me the
mint julep & Need to hold a hand on my back all the way to the room once I’ve tried the Duncan Technique.
 ・Perform: A valet can cast open/close and prestidigitation at will. That could replace serious callousness.
 Valets possess a knack for useful cantrips and perform quality of life magic &charms with prestidigitation.
Rupert’s mastery is to mesmerise by his words. His speech is neither sharp nor bitter, he  doesn’t have a
serpent’s tongue. And for that reason, I would sometimes have him recite the opening of my shows. I trust
he wouldn’t shy away from a fashion-savvy crowd, as he stands taller than them from the catwalk. As
    opposed to me, he would speak clearly and loudly, for I had just roared behind the cashmere curtain.
 ・Profession: A valet can use the aid another action as a full-round action. This may replace—aloneness.
 A valet can be a Mistress’s eternal evening companion. I’d take my valet to one of those lavish-banquets
I’m always invited to and show up with bare arms. I’d dress with audacity and rouge, while he’d be wearing
plain black, as it’d be against the norm for him to wear a cloak or tunic  adorned with embroidery /or gold
lacing. He is, however, a valet. Before sitting down, we’d parade together behind our chairs. I’m fed up with
                                          always wearing elbow-length gloves.
AlexandreGrimaldiCoste 12 iulie 2022  
Zhu Jìng-shěin, 4—Arts person? You make myself think of a mime. A gudgeon too, like enough.
Azzurri Redford, 3,1—Why are you presenting us your laundry on a wire, Beldam? Aberrant. I ought to have stated Iʼm not over Eighteen.
Prudence Merriweather Post, 10—Pristine, on all occasions. And Rupert—A buck. Greetings from Bernard!
Eugene Agbayn, 3,3—The extravagance I forsooth esteem. But—that—must—be—all.
Oscar Schweger, 3,9—You enjoy books and youʼre miserable, we get it Dandiprat. And whyʼs that utilised
tea bag on a sheet of paper?
Trip von Wyngarten, 0,00(4)—A baseborn, and zero more. Fie, I say!  Postscriptum: The numerical value of the standard uncertainty referred to the corresponding last digits of the quoted result—for your comprehension, the number in parentheses()—exists there for the sole reason that I have a soft spot for cars, too.
Tintype 12 iulie 2022  
 –––  Final❦Round: Last questions, asked by Prudence.
The name "Rupert" has been bandied about throughout the season, and whether you wanted to or not, you’ve certainly heard of him. However, the only one who benefited from his support and help was me. So I challenge you: What tasks would you ask Rupert to perform for you if, hypothetically, of course hypothetically!, he were your valet? You can list 3 dreams of yours unfulfilled so far, but which would certainly materialize with Rupert’s help, from the most mundane to the most sumptuous. You can create whatever context you want, you can be in another country, you can go back in time to your teenage years or, why not, to the future. You can add gifs, images, it’s all up to your imagination.
EugineAgbayani 12 iulie 2022  
BAHAHAHAHHA, you're actually THAT scared of me? i can't help but being this fabulous, eat sh!t ♡
OskarSchweiger 12 iulie 2022  
Eugine… it was time.
EugineAgbayani 12 iulie 2022  
okay but did i ask you something?
OskarSchweiger 12 iulie 2022  
I don’t even want to,
& At least I know how to speak -properly.
Take a chill pill it’s just a game Bye.
Tintype 11 iulie 2022  
I have received the following message from Prudence who is starting to piss me off:
Oskar, the miner, has kidnapped my beloved Rupert and refuses to bring him back to me! Another discourteous man who goes against my warnings! All the while, I keep wondering what’s wrong with this show? I must get my cheque back, I can’t promote such behaviour, it’s hurting my image.
If Rupert isn’t at my mansion gate in two hours, I’m going to demand he be forcibly taken from his home.
KaitoWatanabe 11 iulie 2022  
don't mind me. just a single father here to support his adult son( after i left him in his youth).
♤ zhu 一 5.
♤ azure 一 5.
♤ prudence 一 9 for rudy.
♤ eugine 一 10 just so i won't have to pay child support.
♤ oskar 一 5.
RafeJarvinen 11 iulie 2022  
  Zhu, — Untouched skin tainted by stares, /walk like unraveling ribbon& /water encases her in — 8
  Azure, — Wise as a serpent /gentle as a dove, /Murdered by love’s sweet caress /the Mother — 6
  Prudence, — Hands of an aristocrat, /slender fingers, /Bejeweled /&Venus in her naked glory — 9
  Eugine, — Call him many names, /a man of many faiths /dressing like a Doll, /Spotlight Calls — 7
  Oskar, — Misread, /misinterpreted, /mislead. /Spins /Blame not the spider /deceiving its prey — 10
DoraAgar 11 iulie 2022  
1 ❛zhu❜  ━ 10 ah that’s so colorful& i love your playing with the light and how your ruffles fly in the air!
2 ❛azure❜  ━ 10! heart is breaking once again at the sight of dear cordelia. ♥her face is my perfect canvas.
3 ❛prudence❜  ━ 9 i’d put one of your diamonds in the ‘precious stones’ collage work!
4 ❛eugine❜  ━ 9,5 your apparel is impressive. i would dearly love to ever use it as a prop.
5 ❛oskar❜  ━ 9 for a heart sunk in science. be careful you don’t lose it like I did! &ᗫorᥲ, what’s this ?!
ValerianLeSieg 11 iulie 2022  
 Unblock me you pesky white moth.
 ౹: Zhu, 2.
 ੨: Azure, 2.
 ੩: Prudence, 2.
 ੫: Eugine, 2.
 Ƽ: Oskar, 5.
Tintype 11 iulie 2022  
she told me to tell you that she doesn't know who you are but that's kind of stupid cause she told me: tell val I don't know who he is (??)
ValerianLeSieg 11 iulie 2022  
  Tell her that’s nothing unusual, she’s always talking to strangers.
Tintype 11 iulie 2022  
she said she makes friends with everyone so you’d be the only stranger in her life but that’s stupid too if you ask me
ValerianLeSieg 11 iulie 2022  
  It is and she’s the biggest liar around anyway, she knows more about the strangers than her friends.
Darn you know what, forget about it.
PoppyRenard 11 iulie 2022  
I've always been excited by the idea of being a Geisha. To seem so bashful and mousy around men at first, and then... well, then. Then you know what happens later. 8
I'm sick and tired of kids on this show. Sechs, eat them already. 5
Finally a glorious lady. I aspire to be like you. Teach me everything you know and I'll reveal secrets of your life that no one... and I mean -no one- knows. 10
You're fabulous. I like to move my hips on Cher from time to time, too. I'd do you a spread for free. And I don't say that often. 10
Do you know Latin? If you want, I'll teach you. 8
RedMcIntosh 11 iulie 2022  
 Ҩ₁    Zhu –– everything is so exquisite, –– you’re like a nymph from an ancient Chinese brook. –– 10
 Ҩ₂    Azure –– I’m still waiting for permission to babysit Cordelia, –– she has a princess name! –– 10
 Ҩ₃    Prudence –– och I –– I find it to be wonderful, –– truly –– how is Rupert, –– by the way? –– 10
 Ҩ₄    Eugine –– do you –– perhapsmaybe –– want to be friends? –– do my make up sometime? –– 10
 Ҩ₅    Oskar –– do you –– perhapsmaybe –– want to be friends? –– have a cup of tea sometime? –– 10
AzureRedford 11 iulie 2022  
 Our doors are always open for you, miss Red!
Tintype 11 iulie 2022  
she said thanks and when
now why am I your mouthpiece, girl?
AskeOswaldHeinrich 11 iulie 2022  
zhu, that's a rlly nice place i like your umbrella 7
azure, the big sis!! i'll bring ozzy someday to meet cordelia 10 already told him about pip&marple
prudence, are you friends with lady gaga... 6 ur dog is so cool!!
eugine, haha nice 6
oskar, you don't seem that cool 4 but 10 for the cat
RenataZavoranu 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu 7
Prudence 10
Eugine 10
Oskar 6
Azure 7
NatsukiSaito 11 iulie 2022  
いち, zhu u got my 10 中国に行くのが恋しい... 祝你好运宝贝!
に, azure sweet lady ur kid is a sweetheart 6 (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
さん, akachan wa i! !!!!! ur luxury ur an icon 10
よん, eugine ur vibe 女王!!ur my eye candy since the beginning 10
ご, oskar Ā! 男の赤ちゃん ur something else 7

  六つ, Jū for diesel アツいね
ArielEgilsdottir 11 iulie 2022  
     7  Zhu–– chinese culture is fascinating but the oppressive and misogynistic environment
      in which girls like you live disgusts me. free yourself from coercion. you deserve better.
     8  Azure–– Cordelia is very sweet. say hi to August and Dora for me and tell them I miss them.
      be careful what guys you get mixed up with and what influences swirl around your girl. I am
      side-eyeing someone in particular as of right now. yes.
     4  Prudence–– so much opulence is damaging the environment. i don't understand you
      greedy wealthy people, can't you ever get enough? disgusting.
   10  Eugine–– you are glowing! You remind me of one of my best friends, Pillumb.
      [–– and no, I'm not trying to hook you up again Pill, I've seen he has a boyfriend! ]
     9  Oskar–– I dig it, the skull is dope. Van Gogh is it? yeah, you seem cool.
QJaFarIlahalJabal 11 iulie 2022  
                         ورقة الإجابة...

 I don‛t feel like giving you grades. I‛ll comment on the oddities and take your guess. Fun, huh?
1 Zhu ~ Too much water. I prefer heat and sand.
2 Azure ~ Since when do you let the elderly on this show?
3 Prudence ~ I really like what I see. Location? Actually, don‛t.
4 Eugine ~ In my country you are banned and I‛m beginning to understand why.
5 Oskar ~ I hear crappy old stuff sells well. Location? Actually, don‛t.
 I got what I wanted. Now bye.

                                         ..// وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الأحــترام
SeksJagger 11 iulie 2022  
yea its methe most popular tintype player the mostliked player out of u loosers your opinions a irelevant i am the one whos opinions really matters so ets see what looserrs you brought up this season which by the way was a weak season and i havent watched it and yeye sucked balls and im gonna make fun of her for the rest of her life cause thats how late shes at reherserks too do you see what i have to put up with?im honestly thinking of going olo
zhu: i used to like asian people until younknwiwho so 2 from me no hard feelinsg
azure: wtf is with the kids stay at home parents should stay with their ugly ass children home and never go out but you know her dad reminds me of mine and that makes me even angreid grr cause he went out to buy milk hell he bought a cow thing whre..there are cows anyway ill give you a 3 stay with your child woman andloose the hormons youre like 45
prudence: i hate you all rich people and thats coming from a rich person so you know what you and that prince disgtud me you shoul d never have children ill give you a 1 thats right a 1
eugine: what a bombass ass you know what i like it hell yea E X TR A V A T A N T A i will give you an 8
oskar: i fell asleep what the f@#ck is that are you dead or smth dude you look like a character out of a tim burton movie hell take a 2 and go back to that corpse bride movie
NatsukiSaito 11 iulie 2022  
ur 25 性交のために learn how to write properly ( >д<)
SeksJagger 11 iulie 2022  
learn to not be a b!tch
NatsukiSaito 11 iulie 2022  
what did u just call me u FCKCKCING MORON
SeksJagger 12 iulie 2022  
cant you read? youre like twentysomething I forgot
NatsukiSaito 12 iulie 2022  
youre a joke.
AxlMoore 11 iulie 2022  
ya love us 2 much bro
SeksJagger 11 iulie 2022  
what is that waht thats so lame its that pregg chick of yours to blame for using such archainc words
TheresaBell 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 10
Azure: 6
Prudence: 5
Eugine: 5
Oskar: 5
IngridSodergran 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 8
Azure: 10
Prudence: 10
Eugine: 6
Oskar: 4
KayleighDalton 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 4
Azure: 4
Prudence: 10
Eugine: 10
Oskar: 4
BasilRenard 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 5
Azure: 3
Prudence: 5
Eugine: 4
Oskar: 9
OttovandeHoek 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu, ⁄ten ⁄
Azure, ⁄six ⁄
Prudence, ⁄eight ⁄
Eugine, ⁄ten ⁄
Oskar, ⁄ten ⁄
SechsAlastor 11 iulie 2022  
zhu, tSSSSSSSSSSSs, tss, tsss, ts. a yummy 6. despite the beguiling depiction, as far as i know the kimono's going off by six. 6 o'clock or 6 finger clicks. anyway it's a 6.
azure, 1. if u need to get rid of her at some point my cult is taking donations
prudence. u U uu u UU little snakey snake, SSSSSSurely a 10.
eugine sure that's hot 10
oskar could've been hotter 7
tripp a YUMMY 10 ♥
SerafineMiniati 11 iulie 2022  
you’re yummmy when u re jealous
TrippVanWyngarden 11 iulie 2022  
 Zhu, 10
 Azure, 10
 merriWeather, 8 I didn't get my 24k champagne
 Eugine, 1
 Oskar, 7
   who even is Isabela,,, also thanks moon girl
               &Serafine ¿
SerafineMiniati 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 10
Azure: 10
Prudence: 10
Eugine: 8
Oskar: 8

Tripp: 10, yummy
TrinidadLoughty 11 iulie 2022  
Oskar: 10.
Prudence: 10.
Azure: 7.
Zhu: 5.
Eugine: 8.
JamesLauder 11 iulie 2022  
Zhu: 7
Azure: 10
Prudence: 4
Eugine: 4
Oskar: 10
KaidanMagalhaes 11 iulie 2022  
Oskar: 8.
Prudence: 6.
Azure: 9.
Zhu: 9.
Eugine: 6.
IsabelleRossi 11 iulie 2022  
You got rid of the smelly dude before I got here, good.
Zhu: 10
Azure: 10 +
Prudence: 10++++
Eugine: 8
Oskar: 7
MargarittaLidjiaEotvos 11 iulie 2022  
Oskar: 10.
Prudence: 8.
Azure: 10.
Zhu: 10.
Eugine: 7.
YasmineMiaDeLuca 11 iulie 2022  
       ─ Ⅰ. Zhu: 7.
       ─ Ⅱ. Azure: 7.
       ─ Ⅲ. Prudence: 8.
       ─ Ⅳ. Eugine: 9.
       ─ Ⅴ. Oskar: 10.
DurantLievChiminosear 11 iulie 2022  
Prudence: 10
Eugine: 10!
Azure: 10!
Oskar: 8 too dark >////<
Zhu: 9
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