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Revisiting past drama with Penn

I don′t know how to save more pictures without being charged five bucks for each, so excuse my cost; effective decision and keep in mind why there are only three images of me (gesturing as if I′m talking to a larger audience), (I also don′t want to post personal ones for private purposes and
I don′t know how to save more pictures without being charged five bucks for each, so excuse my cost
because I think Tinstagram is a scam). Angela is on her 4th lunch break and can′t be of much help.; These youths and their irresponsible behavior... Oh, well, I digress. Or maybe not, since we are here to review our past contestants and their reckless practices; if you′re one of them, address
because I think Tinstagram is a scam). Angela is on her 4th lunch break and can′t be of much help.
(or not) the speculations with a comment down below, if you′re just a fan with an arbitrary spirit,; discuss freely on the subject, tell us if you spot a white little lie! And one more thing, this one is a curiosity of mine, I have to ask our viewers, who here REAAALLY likes Ester Expósito?
(or not) the speculations with a comment down below, if you′re just a fan with an arbitrary spirit,
Who broke this man′s heart?!
Who broke this man′s heart?!
I want to see these two alpha males into an arena. And also, what is wrong with being; a homosexual?!
I want to see these two alpha males into an arena. And also, what is wrong with being
Is Verushka as innocent as she pretends to be?
Is Verushka as innocent as she pretends to be?
Why would he lie...?
Why would he lie...?
This family tree goes further than Queen Elizabeth′s entire bloodline.
This family tree goes further than Queen Elizabeth′s entire bloodline.
Part I
Part I
Part II. Do remember your Andreas card, contestants, you will need a fake girlfriend if flirting; doesn′t come naturally to you. I particularly want her in this season, with her big mouth no detail will be spared about any date. Oh, she′s in a relationship? Too bad, do your profession!
Part II. Do remember your Andreas card, contestants, you will need a fake girlfriend if flirting
Raya, I feel like we have the same diary.
Raya, I feel like we have the same diary.

Comentarii album • 11
OskarSchweiger 12 februarie 2024  
Wow, whatever this is, Penny, I think Iʼve seen enough of me, donʼt you think? Are you a homosexual too? Should I put you in touch with ḋiỆseḶ?
MattyHealy 4 februarie 2024  
I do, I do like Ester Expósito better than you.
Tintype 4 februarie 2024  
Tintype 4 februarie 2024  
How could you!
AtlasEbner 4 februarie 2024  
Talk to the warden and get me outta here
MattyHealy 4 februarie 2024  
You're telling me they sat at that table for 24 hours talking? Couples are MENTAL. Pay me and I would not have stayed at a bloody Chicken Shop Date.
AtlasEbner 4 februarie 2024  
Go on a date with me, promise it won't be boring! XD A bit illegal, maybe. But you know what they say - "Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well" :*
LeviRainer 5 februarie 2024  
…I hereby disagree with that statement. mein Gott digga bitte das Skript aendern…
AtlasEbner 6 februarie 2024  
R u jealous, babe?
MattyHealy 4 februarie 2024  
They told me you were clinically insane but I didn't expect that level of delusion.
"An aromantic (or 'aro') person experiences little to no romantic attraction towards other people, and has little or no desire to form a romantic relationship." Now piss off!
AtlasEbner 5 februarie 2024  
I'm not insane! My mom had me tested!
Lack of attraction, either sexual or romantic, does not specifically imply that people on the spectrum can't be in relationships. And nothing can stop me ✨
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