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membru din 29 iulie 2020

Purple Clouds

When I walked that deserted road
Which was full of cherry blossom trees
I saw among all the colorful flowers
That they were those purple clouds. The sky was purple.

Among whom were you among those cherries
Which were also so intense purple
It was you and you were sitting in a tree and you were alone
And all you did was alleviate your loneliness.

You soothe your loneliness by singing from a whistle
Which seemed to soothe your soul and heart
I saw you were merging with those purple clouds
With that sky, with that Nature, with that aura.

It was so perfect that it was worth remembering
Like a framed memory, as if it were like in a picture!
It was so perfect that time, it was like he was ready to be for you
Because those clouds that surrounded you seemed to keep you company.

Just like the flowers and the trees and the cherry blossoms ...
Even the leaves flew from other trees to you,
To dance around you, because he probably really liked your song
And that s why they all gathered around you ... to be alone with you.

I said when I saw you on that road that was deserted,
I told myself that even now when I meet you, I will talk to you
And I ll tell you ... like the day I saw you
With that purple sky, my heart fell in love with you.

And I hope you hear me, I really hope so ... I really want you to be here
And take my hand, to look at those purple clouds again
But this time let s see them together, holding my hand
And among other words, to tell me that you love me too.

That s what I want! So now if we talked about how beautiful it was then,
I want you to be here with me at this time as well
And hear how beautiful I spoke from the moment I looked at you
I m just going to come back now ... and I want to walk.

And as long as I want this, I don t want to talk anymore
Because then I will be with a sad heart and I will not want that
Because it would be a shame for me to ruin my feelings
Which I have in me so alive to stain with tears.

I don t want the purple clouds to turn into gray clouds ...
So I want to walk and walk slowly on this road
Which now I know is deserted ... but as far as I know this happened,
About twenty minds, it really seems like a past.

And I know I ve been talking to myself all the time about purple clouds
And you! Because I admired you so much in silence,
I even refrained from doing anything extra
I really wanted you to hear me or see me.

Because these purple clouds make my heart jump up!
And if my heart jumps up, I m afraid it will take it everywhere ...
And if he takes it on all sides, then I really won t know what to say
Because if I mumble in front of you, I ll fall so ugly.

And so I better get up and walk on this road
Which is deserted ... but still so vivid and so colorful!
Understand ? that s why I know the hours have passed so much
And like me, even if I saw you sing so beautifully.

And that you were so alone ... and nature faded with you
I wanted to let you be in your world and not be disturbed!
That s why I stopped here ... that s why I kept thinking about you
That s why I let my feelings speak for me.

That I knew even though I was the only one here talking to me
You will be there in that flowering tree, playing the whistle
And it will make you feel better! Thats why Im here ...
That s why I may feel this way, in a way ... meaningful.

And I know that on the other hand my heart demands it of you
And that s why I know that on the other hand I really want you to be here
And to hold my hand, to be together, to be the two of us
Under the sky with clouds that are purple and purple.

But on the other hand, I don t want to be so indiscreet
But I want to have a decent and see my way
So that tears don t surprise me when they run down my cheek ...
I want to go ... but I don t seem to have the courage to walk away.

Because if I did it so hard, I d be afraid I wouldn t see you again ...
And if I didn t see you again, I would really be left with regrets in my mind
And I don t want that ... but I wouldn t want to be so excited either
And to give me vain hopes, that you are here, with me in mind.

So I kind of want to walk ... and walk slowly, slowly
With my feelings, unshared and which will remain undiscovered ...
So Im going to take a step ... but among other things, the wind blew my hair away
And I couldn t help but stop to look at the sky.

Among other moments, while admiring the sky
And I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I felt something pleasant ... P
I also smelled a sensational smell that I wanted to fall down ...
I wanted to fall down, just to admire that pleasant scent.

It was the scent of flowers and such a warm air and that smell
Which was nice, it had become one with the air ... so warm and tender ...
So delicate and sensitive ...so that around my back
I felt two hands encircling my body.

I also felt a kiss settle on my neck.
And they made their way through that place
For them always. That place that seemed to be waiting
Be for them, kept in a safe place
And that was just my neck
Because that kiss had already settled exactly where it was meant to always be.

At first I thought I was dreaming and it seemed to me ...
Because I couldn t believe it was real
Under this purple sky that I was looking at so intensely
Let that happen ... I thought I was dreaming.

That was until I shook my head a little
And I peed on my skin to see if it was true
During this time, I felt such a passionate kiss
How it sits on my neck like flower petals
And that s when I realized when I woke up with a bite on my neck.

It bit me and it hurt a little ... and I started smiling
Because everything happened under this purple sky
Under this purple clouds ... I didn t even want to open my eyes
And I let myself be carried away by the wave like a small child I was.

I noticed that the caresses were repeated more often
And the kisses kept flowing from kissing me
And the hands kept touching my pale face
And my body, which seemed heavy, the disappointment I had.

I also heard a voice in my ear, which was so gentle and warm
And so pleasant ... now I realize that it s also from him, it s this perfume
Which is intoxicating and intoxicating ... but so enjoyable ... it s inexplicable
He practically whispered in my ear that word I wanted to hear.

He whispered that word to me that I longed for so much ...
After that I admired him and I really wanted him ...
Now it s happened ... like I knew how to stop
And to admire the sky, which maybe he held me and made me hesitate to leave.

He whispered in my ear that word that made my heart
To bounce up, under that purple sky ... under those purple clouds
Which made us fly among them and made us unite
And let s say the words we want to hear.

That word that was stopped in my ear
It was the word - I LOVE YOU - and it was
That something that united us and you told me something else
And that word was -IM HAPPY YOU STAYED -.

From the first moment he said those words to me
It s as if I knew how to remember them and catch what all those ...
And the hugs kept embracing me, caressing me
And they united our hearts, which were completely, so suffered.

Now that our eyes have met, our hearts
They met and united ... and said so much to each other
That now the words no longer made sense
For our presence and our purple clouds, made our hearts beat as if we knew for a life time.


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