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Ámame antes de amarte a ti mismo

                        ꧁ ∎ ℋỵṣṭẹṛịạ ∎ ꧂
                         Ạịṛẹḍ: 20/01/2021
                       ◤  Ṣọc̣ịạḷܭMedia  ◢
                          I N S T A G R A M
                   ∎∎∎ @kendalljenner ▌@zayn ∎∎∎
                       ...@ddlovato ▌@liampayne...

                       ˓B E H I N D  T H E  S C E N E S˒
                  „We live and breathe words. .... It was
                    books that made me feel that perhaps
                       I was not completely alone.
                     They could be honest with me,
                   ℭḷọc̣ḳẉọṛḳჴ    and I with them.
                  Reading your words, what you wrote, how
                     you were lonely sometimes and afraid,
                          but always brave;
                  the way you saw the world,  ∎ ℙṛịṇc̣ẹ
                    its colors and textures and sounds,
                   I felt--I felt the way you thought, hoped,
                    felt, dreamt. I felt I was dreaming and
                        thinking and feeling with you.  
                   I dreamed what you dreamed,
                        wanted what you wanted
                      --and then I realized that truly
                           I just wanted you.”
                       ♥  — C̣ạṣṣạṇḍṛạ ̣C̣ḷạṛẹ.
     @kendalljenner        ▌     @ddlovato       ▌      @liampayne     
 Influencer · In a relationship with    ▌ Mental health therapist · Up   ▌ ‛too ℝich to talk about ℳe here
 Mr‛.Malik [@zayn] · DM for collab    ▌ 2 be better · @liampayne ♥  ▌  HugoxLP  ▪   Muscly Model 
  ∎ ∎ ∎  ℒọṿẹ♥Ạḷẉạỵṣ ∎ ∎ ∎    ▌       ˓ℬetter Ẉọṛḳ ̣Ịṭ˒     ▌     @ddlovato bae   
                       ▄▀ OUT in February ▀▄
                        zZz | watch me sleep ▴
   C A P T I O N◥                red lover @kendalljenner           ◤C O M M E N T
  „Getting thicker and thicker w my personal trainer.”    ▫   „Not gonna lie bro, she looks up to no good.”
                ◣Z A Y N S T A R T E D F O L L O W I N G Y O U◢

                           ꧁ ·© Ṛịg̣ḥṭṣ· ꧂
                            ℋỵṣṭẹṛịạ  Edition Ⅰ ˓Ḍẹc̣, 2020-2021.
                                 A Ṣụṇp̣ḥọṭọ ℭreation.

Comentarii album • 6
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
pe aroganta azi clan
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
am zis sa facem sh noi ceva productiv
pana schimb contu
*sa nu ma batzi corinah*
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
nu, gata, stau cuminteeeee
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
macar contu daca gagicile nu ..stii cum zic
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
voiai sa zici sa mi schimb soSETELE AZI mI LE-AM SCHimBAT
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