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l - Season 01 Ep 02

A face appears to my right and I stifle the urge to gasp, not having seen him arrive.; This must be Mark – he tilts his head in interest, gaze bright and burning. A vampire with lighter hair, styled purposefully away from his face.
A face appears to my right and I stifle the urge to gasp, not having seen him arrive.
I see he’s dressed more elegantly than Jaebum is and consider the all-black; outfit is perhaps not a part of the dress code.
I see he’s dressed more elegantly than Jaebum is and consider the all-black
The corner of Mark’s mouth lifts. “Yes?” he asks, answering while still looking at me
The corner of Mark’s mouth lifts. “Yes?” he asks, answering while still looking at me
“Gather the others,” Jaebum dictates, turning into the night. “Tell Jackson to join us and have; the rest circle back to the mountain.”
“Gather the others,” Jaebum dictates, turning into the night. “Tell Jackson to join us and have
Mark nods, immediately disappearing. When Jaebum starts to run again I wince, struggling; against his grip. “Who is Jackson?”Jaebum turns his head, but before he can speak another voice answers.
Mark nods, immediately disappearing. When Jaebum starts to run again I wince, struggling
“I’m Jackson.”
“I’m Jackson.”
A third vampire runs beside us, more muscular than the rest. I didn’t hear him appear but; then, why would I have? Nodding, I allow my head to loll against Jaebum’s back. I must be in shock, I reason. Nothing seems to surprise me right now.
A third vampire runs beside us, more muscular than the rest. I didn’t hear him appear but
The three of us continue on and I watch over Jaebum’s back as the embers of; my castle grow further and further away. “Where are we going?” I ask, voice soft. “Where’s the mountain?”
The three of us continue on and I watch over Jaebum’s back as the embers of
“A long way away.” Jackson cocks his head as he runs. “You should probably sleep.”
“A long way away.” Jackson cocks his head as he runs. “You should probably sleep.”
He says this last word with emphasis and it alarms me as I feel my body respond. Heaviness; dragged through veins while my eyelids flutter, his spoken command taking hold. From somewhere off in the distance, Jaebum sighs.
He says this last word with emphasis and it alarms me as I feel my body respond. Heaviness
“Jackson, you shouldn’t have –"
“Jackson, you shouldn’t have –"
The world goes black.
The world goes black.

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