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l - Season 01 Ep 02

Before me stands a man. Tall, broad shoulders with jet-black hair. He seems to be; clad in shadows, from the cloth of his trousers to his jacket edged in jade. His face becomes visible as I stumble to a halt and when I notice his eyes, I whimper.
Before me stands a man. Tall, broad shoulders with jet-black hair. He seems to be
They’re his only color, apart from moonlit skin. Bright red, flashing while considering; my appearance. A small flicker of smile reveals two, sharp teeth.
They’re his only color, apart from moonlit skin. Bright red, flashing while considering
. “Hello,” he purrs.
. “Hello,” he purrs.
In a flash he’s before me, faster than I would have thought possible. He surveys me; taking in the rich fabric of my nightgown. When his gaze reaches the thin, silver circlet on top of my head, his smile widens.
In a flash he’s before me, faster than I would have thought possible. He surveys me
“Princess,” he smiles, bowing. “An honor to make your acquaintance.”
“Princess,” he smiles, bowing. “An honor to make your acquaintance.”
There are two moles over the curve of his left eye and I stare at these instead of him,; finding them more human than the rest. “Please,” I whimper, hating the fear in my voice. “Please just leave. Your quarrel is not with us.”
There are two moles over the curve of his left eye and I stare at these instead of him,
“That may be so.” He laughs, gaze sharp. “But orders are orders and I have mine. We will; leave and go to him.”
“That may be so.” He laughs, gaze sharp. “But orders are orders and I have mine. We will
That’s when I make my first mistake. I look up. Immediately wishing I hadn’t when the unnatural; shade of his eyes sends another shiver through me. I can’t stop thinking about the thing which makes him look this way. Blood. Human blood.
That’s when I make my first mistake. I look up. Immediately wishing I hadn’t when the unnatural
“Him?” I find it difficult to stay stoic in the presence of those eyes. “Who is he?”; Rather than answer, the vampire shakes his head.
“Him?” I find it difficult to stay stoic in the presence of those eyes. “Who is he?”
“Our leader likes to remain a secret.” Leaning forward, he scans my face. “Beautiful,” he exhales,; seeming pleased. “I heard stories of the fair Princess of Vitus, but it’s delightful to see the rumors weren’t false. Call me Jaebum.
“Our leader likes to remain a secret.” Leaning forward, he scans my face. “Beautiful,” he exhales,
“Jaebum.” I blink at him, all my fight suddenly disappearing. “Are you going to kill me, Jaebum?”
“Jaebum.” I blink at him, all my fight suddenly disappearing. “Are you going to kill me, Jaebum?”
“An interesting question.” He considers. “No, not right now. Right now, we need to go.”
“An interesting question.” He considers. “No, not right now. Right now, we need to go.”

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