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membru din 9 februarie 2016

Baby let me be your last first kiss

                U R B A N M I N D ♥ our love-life story.
    ▪ ▪ ▪ If the world’s end tomorrow would you really be happy with the way you’re living your life? ▪ ▪ ▪
        They asked me. I nodded simply and answered in the same way to their question.
      Yeah, because I met her. I don’t care how is gonna be the end, but if I have her in my arms,
      that’s all that matters. We’ll die together knowing that our love was so pure, dirty and raw..
              ▒ www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fdphovCld0
I love you so much, I want to be in your arms so bad, then I remember how beautiful you are, how you have inspired me, how amazing you are, then I take a look at my life and everything I went threw, how I have so many issues, I just want to push you away, I want to be mean, anything so you let go, I am no where good enough for you, that reality hurts me so much, you deserve the moon and the stars, not a broken girl with failed dreams.
  ❊ ugc.reveliststatic.com/gen/full/2016/03/25/12/6i/rw/phiotit6sk2qbwe.gif | On our second date you told me you loved me. I told you I didn’t want anything serious and pretty soon I’d be flying across the country for college but you said you didn’t care. I always believed that you had to know someone for years to fall in love. You told me love wasn’t measured in time. You told me that you loved it all. All the heartaches and heartbreaks and the fucked up things that had happened in my life that made me who I am; guarded and unable to let anyone in. You loved how strong I was, and how I had so much ambition. You wanted to fight for me. I asked you what you wanted from this, from the late night hookups that turned into early morning breakfast in bed. You told me “I want you, all or nothing” You treated my body like a temple. You kissed my forehead after we had s♥x and didn’t get upset when I didn’t say I love you back. Your cheeks turned red when I said I didn’t want to hurt you. I could never give you what you wanted. I’m the girl who’s used to being used. Who’s used to being lusted after for her curves but not wanted for her heart. So maybe you were too good for me. You fell in love with a girl on fire, you should’ve known you were going to burn. | media.giphy.com/media/EQ4xICedMCj8k/giphy.gif T̹̹h̹̹e̹̹y̹̹ ̹̹w̹̹e̹̹r̹̹e̹̹ ̹̹j̹̹u̹̹s̹̹t̹̹ ̹̹l̹̹i̹̹k̹̹e̹̹ ̹̹a̹̹ ̹̹p̹̹e̹̹r̹̹f̹̹e̹̹c̹̹t̹̹ ̹̹d̹̹i̹̹s̹̹a̹̹s̹̹t̹̹e̹̹r̹̹ ̹̹t̹̹o̹̹g̹̹e̹̹t̹̹h̹̹e̹r̹.
    She was the sky full of surprises. Her dreams were blue and breathtaking as a bright day and her secrets were dark and poetic as a cold night. Either way, she was the most beautiful mess that one had ever come across. He built a fort around, making it impossible for anyone to go near him. And he sat near the window watching her dance in the rain, with someone else. Every time he saw her, he realised the reason why they always said humans are made of stardust. www.much.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/tumblr_o1p83qBgRV1ua1nbgo4_500.gif
      ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪̮S̮̮a̮̮w̮̮ ̮̮y̮̮o̮̮u̮̮r̮̮ ̮̮f̮̮a̮̮c̮̮e̮̮ ̮̮a̮̮n̮̮d̮̮ ̮̮g̮̮o̮̮t̮̮ ̮̮i̮̮n̮̮s̮̮p̮̮i̮̮r̮̮e̮d̮♕▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
You know the beautiful thing about love? It’s so powerful. Nothing else can make people do the things that love can make them do. It’s the only emotion that can make people fight, and give their all to something or someone. It’s the only thing that can make people hold on, when they otherwise would have given up. Love is strong, it’s powerful, and it’s rare. So when people find it, they marvel at the power of it. And they keep holding on because it’s the truest form of ecstasy. The world cannot survive without love. It’s the only thing that can get people to hold on anymore.
         Nobody but you ▪ ▪ ▪    Bodies♥together    ▪ ▪ ▪ Nobody but me      
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