Every step with the ̣ẉ̣ạỵ I knew how you

ཁ You ̣ṭ̣ḥ̣ọ̣ụ̣g̣̣ḥṭ you had me, did you? ག
When you lied to my ̣f̣̣ạ̣c̣ẹ, I could see the truth.
Every step with the ̣ẉ̣ạỵ I knew how you
Fooled me both ࿂ ̣G̣̣ụ̣ẹ̣ṣṣ you didn’t know
that you were my ༺f̣̣ạ̣ṿ̣ọ̣ṛ̣ị̣ṭẹ༻ entertainer

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