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21stMar2018 Page from our diary

            ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ༺ Ḍ̣ẹ̣ạ̣ṛ̣ ̣̣ḍ̣ị̣ạ̣ṛ̣ỵ,̣ ༻ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂
         ▌ ❛I’m not a stranger. No, I am yours             S            ▌
         ▌ With crippled anger And tears that still drip sore       ⒴           ▌
         ▌ A fragile flame aged with misery’.               N           ▌
         ▌ And when our’ eyes meet, I know you’ll see         E         ▌
           ▫❝Let them drive a stake through my heart, because then I’m at least free of you.❞▫
         ▌            ― Stefan Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries, Season I  ▌
         ▌ S           I do not wanna be afraid I do not wanna die inside  ▌
         ▌ T           just to breathe in I’m tired of feeling so ’numb’    ▌
         ▌ H          ’Relief’ exists I find in when I am cut         ▌
         ▌ E           I may seem crazy or painfully shy and these scars    ▌
         ▌ S           wouldn’t be so hidden’ if you would just       ▌
         ▌ I            me in the eye’. I feel alone here & cold here;     ▌
         ▌ A              Though I don’t want to die.               ▌
           ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ♦ Ỵọụṛṣ ̣ṭṛụḷỵ ♦ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂
                                 P̭a̭gḙs̭ ̭s̭ṱa̭r̭ṱḙḓ ̭ṱo̭ ̭b̭ḙ ̭w̭r̭i̭ṱṱḙṋ ̭o̭ṋ: 21▫03▫2018
     ░▫୭ imgbox.com/Cz5aLHJ3 ◊ ͘Ṇ͘͘ị͘͘ḳ͘͘ḷ͘͘ạ͘͘ụ͘͘ṣ͘͘ ̣͘͘Ṃ͘͘ị͘͘ḳ͘͘ạ͘͘ẹ͘͘ḷ͘͘ṣ͘͘ọ͘ṇ ◊   ◊ ͘J̣͘͘ẹ͘͘ḷ͘͘ẹ͘͘ṇ͘͘ạ͘͘ ̣̣͘͘Ṇ͘͘ọ͘͘ụ͘͘ṛ͘͘ạ͘͘ ̣͘͘Ḥ͘͘ạ͘͘ḍ͘͘ị͘ḍ ◊ imgbox.com/bi3AeV4H ୭▫░
          ❛All that is gold does not glitter,        ❊         ❛If you’re reading this...
           Not all those who wander are lost;       K        Congratulations, you’re alive.
           The old that is strong does not wither,    I      If that’s not something to smile about,
            From the ashes· a fire shall be woken,      G         then I don’t know what is.
         A light from the shadows shall spring;    I         The best thing in life is to be
         Renewed shall be blade that was broken.❜    ·ꕤ·         alive and nothing else.❜
    ☾ O̠l̠d̠ ̠f̠a̠s̠h̠i̠o̠n̠, v̠i̠n̠t̠a̠ge̠ ·☄ Gigi Hadid, flawless angel ☼ Klaus Mikaelson, ♥ed vampire ☆· O̠n̠ ̠t̠h̠e̠ ̠m̠o̠o̠n̠ ☽
        ▫❝Everything you know, everything you believe is about to change. Are you ready for that?❞▫

                 Dragă jurnalule,
      Mereu am crezut în praful de stele şi cum dragostea nemărginită pentru cer te poate urni
     în a deveni ceea ce visezi să fii cândva. Uite-mă pe mine! Chiar sunt ceea ce mi-am dorit mereu să fiu.
    Sunt femeia pe care mi-am modelat-o în minte.      Mi-am dorit să devin mereu independentă,
       să arunc situaţiile-ngropate în noroi de o parte, atunci când vine vorba de razele de soare.
   Sunt un copil al Lumii.     Ca toţi ceilalţi şi mă simt infinită.     Anii de muncă pe care i-am investit în
     a ajunge această persoană au fost benefici. Am trecut prin mii şi mii de mizerii până să ajung aici,
    să-ntâmpin pragul pe care nu am crezut că este posibil să se materializeze. Ei bine, l-am întâmpinat în
     momentul în care eu şi soţul meu am păşit pe acesta.     Da, încă sunt o femeie independentă şi
   încă-mi construiesc visurile şi adaug cărămidă cu cărămidă zilnic la realizarea lor, fără să depind de o coloană
    vertebrală străină, însă familia mi-e adeptă şi nu aş putea renunţa niciodată la aceasta. M-am transformat
   în mama pe care nu credeam că o pot scoate din mine şi din firea mea imatură sub ochişorii plini de speranţă
    pe care-i revăd zilnic încă de 8 şi respectiv, 5 ani. Am învăţat cum este să te sacrifici atunci când trebuie,
    cum este să lupţi pentru scopul tău, să supravieţuieşti.       Asta pentru că am un motiv: Am
       motivul de a mă-ntoarce mereu acasă-n braţele lui, iar apoi, să-mi petrec şi eu braţele-n jurul
      acelor corpuri firave ce-ncă nu au învăţat cum este să păşeşti în lumea largă. Dar am să-i învăţ.
       Cu un strop de credinţă şi praful magic.               ― o soţie dedicată, ໓.

      ▫❝Hey, look at me. We choose our own path. Our values and our actions? They define who we are.❞▫
    ☾ W̠r̠i̠t̠e̠ ̠d̠o̠w̠n̠,̠ ̠l̠e̠t̠t̠e̠r̠s̠ ·☄ Demi Lovato, full muse ☼ Liam Payne, loveable face ☆·  N̠o̠t̠e̠ yo̠u̠r̠ ̠n̠o̠t̠e̠s̠ ☽
        ❛I shall be telling this with a sigh        M      ❛I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
     Somewhere ages and ages hence’        A     Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—       I    Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me,
      I took the one less traveled by,          D       I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
    And that has’ made all the difference.❜       ❊          I hunger for your sleek laugh.❜
  ░▫୭ imgbox.com/PY9ODtGq ◊ ͘͘Ḍ͘͘ẹ͘͘ṃ͘͘ẹ͘͘ṭ͘͘ṛ͘͘ị͘͘ạ͘͘ ̣͘͘Ḷ͘͘ọ͘͘ṿ͘͘ạ͘͘ṭ͘ọ͘ ◊        ◊ ͘Ḷ͘͘ị͘͘ạ͘͘ṃ͘͘ ̣͘͘J̣͘͘ạ͘͘ṃ͘͘ẹ͘͘ṣ͘͘ ̣͘͘P̣͘͘ạ͘͘ỵ͘ṇẹ ◊ imgbox.com/fvlo3woX ୭▫░
 ༄My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming; I love not less, though less the show appear; Ṭḥạṭ ̣ḷọṿẹ ̣ịṣ ̣ṃẹṛc̣ḥạṇḍịẓẹḍ, whose rich esteeming, The owner’s tongue doth publish every where.┊   Our love was new, and then but in the spring, ⚘    ▂ ▂ ▂When I was...
 ༄My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming; I love not less, though less the show appear
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞;  「Ḳḷạụṣ ̣Ṃịḳạẹḷṣọṇ✧20ᵗʰ, March 2018」 ❝My heart is in a cage, and I have seen the way you can bend bars. So baby, bend mine and free it because it was always yours anyway.❞
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞
...wont to greet it with my lays; ⚜ As Philomel in summer’s front doth sing,  And stops his pipe; in growth of riper days: Not ̷t̷̷h̷̷a̷̷t̷̷ ̷̷t̷̷h̷̷e̷̷ ̷̷s̷̷u̷̷m̷̷m̷̷e̷r̷̷ ̷̷i̷̷s̷̷ ̷̷l̷̷e̷̷s̷̷s̷̷ ̷̷p̷̷l̷̷e̷̷a̷̷s̷̷a̷̷nt̷ now ◍ Than ẉḥẹṇ ̣ḥẹṛ ̣ṃọụṛṇf̣ụḷ ̣ḥỵṃṇṣ did hush the night,
...wont to greet it with my lays; ⚜ As Philomel in summer’s front doth sing,  And stops his pipe
But that wild music burthens every bough,               ; ▔ ♦ Ạṇḍ ̣ṣẉẹẹṭṣ ̣g̣ṛọẉṇ ̣c̣ọṃṃọṇ ̣ḷọṣẹ ̣ṭḥẹịṛ ̣ḍẹạṛ ̣ḍẹḷịg̣ḥṭ.̣ ♦ ▔
But that wild music burthens every bough,               
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞;  「J̣ẹḷẹṇạ ̣Ḥạḍịḍ✧20ᵗʰ, March 2018」 ❝His words are more comfort then most people could give. And he blesses me with them daily.❞
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞
╱Therefore like her, I sometime hold╲; ༺̭hold my tongue: Because I would not dull you with my song.༻
╱Therefore like her, I sometime hold╲
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞;  「Ḷịạṃ ̣P̣ạỵṇẹ✧20ᵗʰ, March 2018」 ❝You are more beautiful than words can describe.. but let me tell you this.. when I look upon your face and I see you smile, damn girl.. just damn..❞
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞
     — Shakespeare sonnet, ♥ XXI.; —The Script, ̣Ịf̣ ̣ỵọụ ̣c̣ọụḷḍ ̣ṣẹẹ ̣ṃẹ ̣ṇọẉ   ᕦ Take that rage, put it on the page, take the page to the stage, on the roof, f ck the place ᕤ
     — Shakespeare sonnet, ♥ XXI.
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞;  「Ḍẹṃị ̣Ḷọṿạṭọ✧20ᵗʰ, March 2018」 ❝Find someone who loves you at your worst. Someone who never stops caring about you. And find someone who never stops wanting to get to know you.❞
story·life∎P̣ạg̣ẹọf̣ạḍịạṛỵ☄  ∴Ⅱfrom ∞
‹S͟͟y͟͟n͟͟e͟͟s͟͟t͟͟h͟͟e͟͟s͟͟i͟͟a͟ © ͟͟S͟͟u͟͟n͟͟p͟͟h͟͟o͟͟t͟o›;   From 2017, May 1ˢᵗ on Sunphoto; trapping souls in our beautiful neverlandish island. Creative minds, full of developements and designs. Forever a family, tangled with love.
‹S͟͟y͟͟n͟͟e͟͟s͟͟t͟͟h͟͟e͟͟s͟͟i͟͟a͟ © ͟͟S͟͟u͟͟n͟͟p͟͟h͟͟o͟͟t͟o›
▪ ▪ ▪ You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am ▪ ▪ ▪;    But the truth is that we are not made of glass and never of paper. We are on the paper, on your screen and in your minds. Light is our guide, the sun watches above us and the moon is our witness.
▪ ▪ ▪ You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am ▪ ▪ ▪
 We are trying to do our best, by making memories. This is our ḍịạṛỵ, this is our ṃọṃẹṇṭ;  this is where we share laughs, jokes, kisses and moods. These are the pages to follow our feelings, to follow our glitterish ideas, these are the pages we are sharing.  ◊ Synesthesia, real story ◊
 We are trying to do our best, by making memories. This is our ḍịạṛỵ, this is our ṃọṃẹṇṭ

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