8637 poze   129878 vizite

life itself is a quotation___quotes

                                     ᴹᵈᵃˑˑˑ ᵁᶰ ᶜʰᵃˡˡᵉᶰᵍᵉ ᶜᵘ ᶜᶤᵗᵃᵗᵉˑ :⁻ˀˀ ¹⁰⁰ ᵈᵃʸˢˑ
                                               - Completed -
₀₃.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Stephen Chbosky #The Perks of Being a Wallflower; -Day 073-
₀₃.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Stephen Chbosky #The Perks of Being a Wallflower
₀₄.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Promise Me #Harlan Coben; -Day 074-
₀₄.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Promise Me #Harlan Coben
₀₅.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Big Bang #G-Dragon; -Day 075-
₀₅.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Big Bang #G-Dragon
₀₆.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Speak #Laurie Halse Anderson; -Day 076-
₀₆.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Speak #Laurie Halse Anderson
₀₇.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Dwayne Douglas Johnson #The Rock; -Day 077-
₀₇.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Dwayne Douglas Johnson #The Rock
₀₈.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom #Yeonmi Park; -Day 078-
₀₈.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom #Yeonmi Park
₀₉.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Richard Bach; -Day 079-
₀₉.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Richard Bach
₁₀.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Tennessee Williams; -Day 080-
₁₀.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Tennessee Williams
₁₁.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Christina Grimmie; -Day 081-
₁₁.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #Christina Grimmie
₁₂.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #U-KISS #Soohyun; -Day 082-
₁₂.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #U-KISS #Soohyun
₁₃.₀₇.₂₀₁₆; -Day 083-
₁₄.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #William Shakespeare; -Day 084-
₁₄.₀₇.₂₀₁₆ #William Shakespeare

Comentarii album • 5
xBarbieLandx3 30 august 2022  
Love the photos o3
HarleyQuinn 1 mai 2021  
iMissTheName 15 octombrie 2020  
Omg o.o
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