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Book Challenge

Cred că am suficiente titluri în prezent ♡ Aștept de o vreme să fac minunea asta mică și mi-am primit un imbold după ultima serie citită :3 Sper să vă placă!
Day 17 - Favorite genres - Fantasy, Romance, Thriller
Day 17 - Favorite genres - Fantasy, Romance, Thriller
Day 18 - Book that disappointed you - November 9, Colleen Hoover; Mai exact, felul în care e scrisă :')
Day 18 - Book that disappointed you - November 9, Colleen Hoover
Day 19 - Favorite book you've read in the last month - Legendary, Stephanie Garber
Day 19 - Favorite book you've read in the last month - Legendary, Stephanie Garber
Day 20 - Favorite book title - Ignite Me
Day 20 - Favorite book title - Ignite Me
Day 21 - A book that made you laugh - The Sunbearer Trials, Aiden Thomas; Iubesc cartea asta ♡♡♡
Day 21 - A book that made you laugh - The Sunbearer Trials, Aiden Thomas
Day 22 - Book you bought because of the cover - For The Wolf, Hannah Whitten
Day 22 - Book you bought because of the cover - For The Wolf, Hannah Whitten
Day 23 - Favorite romance book - The Ballad Of Never After, Stephanie Garber
Day 23 - Favorite romance book - The Ballad Of Never After, Stephanie Garber
Day 24 - Largely unknown book you love - Small Favors, Erin A. Craig
Day 24 - Largely unknown book you love - Small Favors, Erin A. Craig
Day 25 - Favorite book you had to read for school - The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
Day 25 - Favorite book you had to read for school - The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
Day 26 - Book you liked better than the movie - Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman
Day 26 - Book you liked better than the movie - Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman
Day 27 - Book from your childhood you still love - The Complete Fairy Tales Of H. C. Andersen
Day 27 - Book from your childhood you still love - The Complete Fairy Tales Of H. C. Andersen
Day 28 - Least favorite book you had to read for school - Snow Country, Kawabata Yasunari; Aș mai citi-o o dată fără stresul testului de lectură tbh
Day 28 - Least favorite book you had to read for school - Snow Country, Kawabata Yasunari

Comentarii album • 6
shiver 12 mai 2024  
îmi doresc așa mult sa citesc caraval :((((
hinataangel 14 mai 2024  
Sper să reușești curând ❤❤ Recomand cu tot dragul, am țipat la Legendary, grav >////<
xMayaXD 8 mai 2024  
Ador! ❤
hinataangel 9 mai 2024  
❤❤❤ Mă bucur >w<
xonlyteardrops 14 aprilie 2024  
Spor cu el, femeie ❤️
Ce l-aș fura și eu dar eu uit naiba de el =)))
hinataangel 15 aprilie 2024  
Mulțuuu :"3 Ți-l dau cu tot dragu' dacă e QuQ❤
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