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Acreditari nationale si internationale ale CNCCRCanise inregistrate in Cartea de Origine a CNCCRCartea de Origine Romana COR-CNCCR   Sectiunea COR 1000-4279   Sectiunea COR 4280-5607   Sectiunea COR 5608-8099Ciobanescul de Bucovina o MINCIUNA imensaClubul National de Caini Ciobanesti Romanesti contactConcursuri-Contests   1998      Campionatul Ciobanestilor Romanesti Floreasca-Bucuresti         Afisul primului Campionat National         Catalogul primului Campionat National      Finala Bucuresti 1998         dr J-M-Paschoud presedintele Comisiei de Standarde a Federatiei Chinologice Internationale FCI      Iasi 1998      World Trade Center 1998 Bucuresti   1999      Azuga 1999      Bucuresti Finala 1999 Circ      Bucuresti Floreasca 1999      Iasi 1999   2000      Azuga 2000      Bucuresti 16-12-2000 Circ      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2000      Floreasca 23-04-2000      Sibiu 07-10-2000      World Dog Show Milano 2000   2001      Azuga 2001      Barlad 2001      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2001   2002      Azuga 2002      Barlad 2002      Bucuresti World Trade Center 2002      Craiova 2002      Mangalia 2002   2003      Azuga 2003      Barlad 2003      Brasov 26-03-2003      Bucuresti Olimpia 17-06-2003      Craiova 2003      Targoviste 18-03-2003      World Trade Center 2003   2004      Azuga 22-02-2004      Barlad 07-11-2004      Brasov 2004      Buzau 26-09-2004      Craiova 2004      Iasi 2004      Ploiesti 23-04-2004      ROMEXPO 05-06-2004      Rucar 2004-OMOLOGAREA UCI      Timisoara 2004   2005      Adunarea Generala CNCCR Bucuresti 2005      Alexandria 2005      Barlad 2005      Brasov 19-02-2005      Cluj 2005      Comisani 2005      Craiova 2005      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2005      Gura Humorului 2005      Iasi 2005      Pitesti 19-03-2005      Ploiesti 2005      Ramnicu Valcea 2005      Targoviste 08-05-2005      TIBCO Bucuresti 2005   2006      Azuga 2006      Barlad 2006      Cluj 19-05-2006      Craiova 2006      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 2006      Finala Campionatului International al CNCCR Brasov 25-02-2006      ROMEXPO 05-06-2006      Suceava Ilisesti 2006      Targoviste 05-11-2006   2007      Craiova 2007      Iasi 2007      Ilisesti 2007      TIBCO 2007   2008      Comisani 2008      Craiova 2008      Expo Pastoralis 2008 Rucar   2009      Codlea 2009      Comisani 2009      Craiova 2009      Expo Pastoralis Rucar 12-09-2009      Ilisesti 2009      TIBCO 2009   2010      Ilisesti 2010      Parada Ciobanestilor Romanesti OTV   2011      Filipestii de Padure 17-09-2011      Ilisesti 2011   2012      Bucuresti prezentare oficiala rase romanesti 2012      Targoviste 20 05 2012Consangvinizarile si rolul lor in chinologie - The consangvinization process in chinology   Consangvinizari corecte la carpatin   Consangvinizari corecte la mioritic   Consangvinizari gresite la carpatin   Consangvinizari gresite la mioriticCONTACTCorespondente chinologice   Adresa Ministerului Agriculturii catre ACHR   COMUNICAT DE PRESA al ASOCIATIEI CHINOLOGICE ROMANE ACHR   Comunicat de presa al AUTORITATII NATIONALE CANINE DIN ROMANIA   mesage from Mr Jean Maurice PASCHOUD president of Standards Committee of FCI   Scrisoare deschisa adresata dnei Anca Giura arbitru international   Scrisoare deschisa adresata dnului Gaspar Viorel   Scrisoarea de refuz din partea FCI a la dosarului trimis de ACHR   Scrisoarea de sprijin a activitatii CNCCR din parte Presedintelui Romaniei dnul Emil Constantinescu   Scrisoarea deschisa a Ministerului Agriculturii   scrisoarea Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara catre FCIDefecte explicitate la carpatin   Defecte de cap la carpatin   Defecte de culoare la carpatin   Defecte de osatura la carpatin   Defecte de prezentare   Defecte de talie la carpatin   Metisi de carpatiniDefecte explicitate la mioritic   Defecte ale cozii la mioritic   Defecte de culoare la mioritic   Defecte de dentitie   Defecte de osatura-mers-etc la mioritic   Defecte de talie la mioritic   Intretinere si prezentare defectuoasa a robei mioriticului   Lipsa parului pe cap si pe labe la miorticDespre rasa CorbDocumente tipizate folosite in CNCCREmisiune Antena 1FCI-dosar de omologare rase romanesti   CV Dr Andrei Tanase FMV Bucuresti   CV dr Ioan Miclaus decan al FMV Bucuresti   dosarul medical al clinicii de chirurgie din FMV Bucuresti   Dosarul medical al clinicii de ginecologie-obstetrica a FMV BucurestiFilatelie caninaForumFotografii pentru explicitarea standardului oficial al rasei ciobanesc romanesc carpatin   Ursu etalonul rasei mioriticGaleria Campionilor   Galeria Campionilor Carpatini      femele      masculi   Galeria Campionilor Mioritici      campioni declarati in alte tari      femele mioritic      masculi mioriticIasmin de RomaniaIstoria prezentarii raselor romanesti in strainatate   1986 Berlin   1993 Chisinau   1994 Belgia -Centenarul Asociatiei Saint Hubert   1995 Euro Dog Show Charleroi Belgia   1995 Ziua Nationala a Romaniei la Bruxelles   1996 raspunsul FCI la dosarul trimis de ACHR   2000 World Dog Show Milano ItaliaLinii de sange la carpatin   linii de sange consangvinizate   linii de sange pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizareLinii de sange la mioritic   linii de amelioratori genetici la mioritic   linii pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizare la mioriticLista arbitrilor si candidatilor de arbitrii CNCCRMASS MEDIA   Arta and Entertainment 15 07 2005   Article from Nine oClock   articol 9AM news 2005   Articol Adevarul   Articol Adevarul martie 2003   Articol Agro Business 2009   articol Atlas Magazin   Articol Banateanul   articol Best Magazin   Articol Curierul Judetean 2001   Articol Curierul National 5 mai 2004   articol despre omologarea ciobanestilor romanesti 05 05 2005   Articol din Ziua si Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Editie Speciala Craiova 2009   articol Evenimentul Zilei 03 12 1998   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 10 01 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 2004 omologare   Articol Gardianul 2004   Articol Iasi 26 04 2004   articol Jurnalul National decembrie 2006   Articol Libertatea 04 04 1999   Articol Libertatea 11 04 2005   Articol Libertatea 23 04 2003   articol Lumea Animalelor 1994   Articol Manneken Pis 2003   articol Mihaela Ionita   Articol Monitorul 2010   Articol Presa Online 2007   Articol Presa online Iasi 2007   articol Prieteni fara grai 1   articol Prieteni fara grai 1998   articol Prieteni fara grai 2   Articol publicat in USA   Articol revista Lumea   Articol Romanian VIP USA   Articol Stanley bet 2009   articol Stiinta si Tehnica   articol Terra 2000   articol Tu si Cainele 1999   articol Tu si Cainele 2   Articol ziarul Expres 2005   Articol ziarul Obiectiv Suceava   Articol Ziua   Articol Ziua 1998   Articol ziua 1999   Articol Ziua 1999 - 1   Articol Ziua 2004   Articol Ziua 7 iunie 2004   Articol Ziua Concurs   Catalogul Expozitiei Floreasca 1998   Clubul Iubitorilor de Animale   Comunicat de presa   Comunicat de Presa al Ministerului Agriculturii 2000   Emisiuni OTV   mediafax transhumanta in 2013   Mioriticii in USA   Prezentare carpatini la Antena 1   Prezentare mioritici la Antena 1   REUTERS 1996   Stire Mediafax 2002   Stiri Kappa   Stiri ProTv   The Guardian article 1999Microciparea cainilorMOLDA MAGAZIN   Molda Magazin nr 1   Molda Magazin nr 2Monta_gestatia_fatarea la mioritici ci carpatini   Fatarea   Gestatia   MontaPage en francaise   Championat du Monde FCI Milano 2000   Displasya au mioritic   Filatelie canine   l Ordre de Ministre de Agriculture de Roumanie   Manneken Pis   Message de la president de Committee de FCI   message du Mr Jean Maurice PASCHOUD president de Commision de Standardisation de Races dans le FCI   Ministere Roumain de Nourriture et dAgriculture   OUVREZ LA LETTRE Nr 18085 16 08 2000   Revue Molda Magazin nr 2   Standard de Berger Roumain Mioritic propose a FCI en 1998 par CNCCR et utilise aujourdhuiPage in deutsche   Das filatelische fur mioritic und carpatin hunde   Das World dog Show Milano 2000   Displasya at Mioritic   OFFIZIELLER STANDARD DER RUMANISCHEN HIRTENHUNDE MIORITIC   Order 17176-AD-28_04_1998   PAARUNGS WURFVERTRAG   REGISTRATION UND UCIPage in english   Animal Lovers Club   Contents of ROF   Contents of ROF 1   Contents of ROF 2   english mass media      Article from Nine oClock 1      The Guardian article from 1999      USA mioritics   False pedigrees   first ever mioritic presentation into a world dog show   Judges list for the romanian shepherd dogs breeds   List of the scientific works publicated after 2000 Ioan Miclaus Dean of FMV Bucuresti   Medical file from Ginecology and Obstetric Clinic from Bucharest University   Note of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture 1   Official adress to the Romanian Gouvernament   Official documents   Romanian Shepherd Manifest   Scientific report of the Surgery Department from the Veterinary Medicine University   Stamps with mioritic and carpatin dogs   Wrong in-line breeding egsample for the Mioritic breedPedigree-ul cainelui   Pedigree false gresite incompletePremii chinologiceRegulamentul de Organizare si Functionare al Clubului National de Caini Ciobanesti Romanesti - CNCCRScrisoare Deschisa Consilierul Ministrului AgriculturiiStandardul oficial al rasei ciobanesc romanesc carpatin   Vadim de IstratoiuStandardul oficial al rasei Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic

membru din 8 mai 2011

Wrong in-line breeding egsample for the Mioritic breed

Here can be seen the wrong in-line breeding and their damaging results as: the missing hair and or sub hair, small height, hip- displasya, wrong colour, etc
pedigree Number one for sunpoint from apuseni
pedigree Number one for sunpoint from apuseni
pedigree Ada de Codrii Vlasiei with criminal consangvinizations
pedigree Ada de Codrii Vlasiei with criminal consangvinizations
Samio Erik with eliminatory default
Samio Erik with eliminatory default
Negru de Bello Gettica with eliminatory default
Negru de Bello Gettica with eliminatory default
A-NUC with eliminatory default
A-NUC with eliminatory default

Comentarii album • 2
Good day
Analyzing your dog pedigree I have to tell you the next comments:
1. You have the dog named A-Nuc inside of them and that dog was a metis between mioritic and carpatin as you easily can see here:
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... la_miortic
You have to know and that dog it is again the father of Bilca de Curtea Veche and the father of Jana de Curtea Veche. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MATTING DOGS LIKE A-NUC MOREOVER TO MAKE CONSANGVINZATION AFTER HIM
2. Also Alf de Plai Bucovinean was the litter brother of Aluna de Plai Bucovinean.So you have another consangvinization in this pedigree.
3. Bradut was a mioritic with a huge prognatism and her "very good" = F Bine (that is below Excellent are real).What is very very interesting is that her mother Frunza matted and born him at six years after she died!!! Normal it is a false declaration of the owner mr Bere!
4. Sarona was a small female and her title of CMBR= that means Best of Breed BOB is false!
5.Tissa was never judged as junior but she has an Romanian Prim Junior RPJ title inscribed by fraud in her palmares. Also she was matted 4 rounds one by another despite of all FCI and normal roules and respect for dogs.
More than this her genealogy was never declared and really as you may easily see on:
Ursula de Brillantim _ Fals
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... e/38437264
where the words "Monta nedeclarata" means "matting never registered and declared", and "Caini care nu au fost montati niciodata" means that "dogs never matted"
6.The correct name of Bucksi was Bucksi de Romania.The probe are here
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... te/pagina3
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... te/pagina5
where at "mara mama lui bucksi" you have de original pedigree of the mother of Bucksi whose belongs to me in de Romania Kennel.
The owner,mr Bere Adrian was changed the name of the dogs by using a personal relation at Romanian Book of Origin COR
7.Martin de Runc was registered by false under this name because he was born into "de Suceava"Kennel owned by mr Ovadiuc from Suceava city and bought by the owner of "de Runc" kennel at the age of several months. As you well know the owner of the kennel where the dog was born can registered under his mark no other owners of that dog during his life.Normal the dog name it is Martin de Suceava!
Also you have another consangvinization here because he is the father of Iaro D-Pirat
8. Mother of Iaro D-Pirat was Fraga. But the name of Fraga due to a false registration request from the onwer of her, mr. Pal Puiu (Iaro kennel), was changed into Iaro Fraga. Mr. Pal Puiu recognaized on his personal site, that this dog Fraga and another one, he was bought from mr. Neica Mihai from Bacau.
9.And finally A-mura has a grand father named Cramer de Curtea Veche wich produced half mioritic and half carpatin puppies!
Moreover of that I'll informed all the persons, ACHR, FCI, breeders, owners,etc about this frauds, mistakes, errors,etc but only the members of our club CNCCR are made it the very necessaries corrections
Several conclusions from the facts presented above:
1. You have a false pedigree based on false data
2. You have forbidden consangvinizations in the pedigree
3. You were cheated by the saler persons - owner de Apuseni Kennel because I personally informed him by several times and using different ways about this problems. Mr. Simutiu was even at a contests organized by our club with a very small female of mioritic few years ago !
4. You have to construct your future matting scheme out of all dogs from this pedigree, especially the dogs with huge problems as A-Nuc!

As I informed you before we are working at a datbase with more than eight thousands roumanian dogs mioritic and carpatin as a measure to help you and other like you to find correct data and information, to avoid the falses ,frauds,etc. And all of that only because we respect and love this wonderful breeds!

Please accept my apologizes for this bad news situation presented to you but due to ministry of agriculture order I have the right and obligation to do that
clubulnationaldecainiciobanestir ... _documents
Cezar Osiceanu
President of CNCCR
Good evening mrs Monika Hindsches
I hope to be well understood in my information letter sent to you.
You have to understand that breeder de Apuseni was cheated you saling that dog with that genealogy,
His scope was to take the money not to protect the breed. Your dog can be a very good one for you but it is like an atomic bomb armed for the breed in case you will not taking into account my information which I already sent to you.
As a fist measure as I told you before you have to chose a male for matting outside of this lines and after the first litter you can see the results,We can help you with our data base and information for free because with really love and respect the breed.
For all what I informing you know,and many others, my dogs were killed, my house was burned by unkown persons,etc even they made a site against me antiosiceanuforumhit.ro
So if you need help you have to contact first the breeder de Apuseni and to ask from him some answers at this questions:
- why he choose to do the dogs with such a genealogy with so many consangvinizations
- why did not informed you before about this in order to chose you by knowing the realities if you buying the puppy or not
- why he choose to make those consangvinizations by some many times repetead after A-Nuc a mixture between mioritic and carpatin.
- why he cheated you ?
We intend to declare in public and in mass media all this cases even in Austria, in order to protect the people with good sense against the posibilities of fraude, mistakes,etc in the pedigrees eliberated even in Austria.
I hope you will joined us in this fight for the mioritic breed benefit.
Cezar Osiceanu
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