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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 2 februarie 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                           account name: cockroacher
for fanden skide-hostess call me f@#!##cking jæäger
i toolld you to $]call me f@#!##cking jæäger ,,bint¡
i made some calls and i solved the pictureproblem cause @tontyoe is incapable
trauma dumpling thinking about dumpling while singing about my daddy issues to strangers
trauma dumpling thinking about dumpling while singing about my daddy issues to strangers
molecules pull closer together in less heat because they are freezing their little asses off
molecules pull closer together in less heat because they are freezing their little asses off
i was thinking abt the thousands of bug wars that happen every day that we dont know about
i was thinking abt the thousands of bug wars that happen every day that we dont know about
im the normalest guy on the planet btw #normalcore #normalboy #normalguythings #applyingmymascara
im the normalest guy on the planet btw #normalcore #normalboy #normalguythings #applyingmymascara
to the reviewer who wrote about us: songs to crash your car to
to the reviewer who wrote about us: songs to crash your car to
just wanted to show you how tall i nd handsome i am
just wanted to show you how tall i nd handsome i am
best cristmas party ever i just made a girl bestie friend for ever
best cristmas party ever i just made a girl bestie friend for ever
hear we go again….,…..
hear we go again….,…..
me and the eyeful tower
me and the eyeful tower
thanK you god
thanK you god
people tell me i look like mgks gf
people tell me i look like mgks gf
should we take yee on a ride; we were filming our next music video
should we take yee on a ride

Comentarii album • 226
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SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
aw i had a song dedicated i didnt even realize <3 typical plagued girl behavior
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
u were literally on the stage performing were you watsed or what i saw u on the screen
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
u are such a meathead i cut my horns after the faLL
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
hiw can u chose the star over the moon man
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
windows95man = smash
europapa = smash
twink girl/boy/they/them (idk i didn't invent this gender but i can't oppose to my people) = ULTRA SMASH
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
notmuch coming from u i think ud smash a killer mantis and even im not that stoopid their knowfn for killing after boinking
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
if my sexual desire speaks to me
TateZeitgeist 10 martie 2024  
Oi, I've been told I look like MGK's girlfriend!
TateZeitgeist 10 martie 2024  
SeksJagger 10 martie 2024  
uuh youre making me feel uncomfy
TateZeitgeist 10 martie 2024  
*sips from my Gold Cup* as you deserve, periodtt.
SerafineMiniati 9 martie 2024  
im starting to miss ur high -pitched voice wanna come over
SeksJagger 9 martie 2024  
no no nonono im nOt falling for this trick again last time when u called me to hang out it turned out you called the cops on me cause u got that rretarding order made!¡!!¡! jail is no fun serafine the other inmmates called me gay for wearing tight jeans and im a married man! well/~half-married, sort of
SeksJagger 9 martie 2024  
to a woman! married to a woman i mean, to a hot one too£ but they wouldnt give me my phone to rub it in their faces and yes i do have a high vocal range like fredy mercury
SerafineMiniati 9 martie 2024  
oh no i was prob on my period that's why i acted like crazy,, you shouldn't have come that night jaggy i was crying when i called didnt u hear me? u should have thought of that, u know how we act around that time. that order is no longer available didnt u get a notification>? i revoked it. and why on earth did u wear tight jeans in jail?
fine if u dont wanna come....... mean
SeksJagger 10 martie 2024  
i though you needed a friend and thats why you called me bawling! i cant read you womens and i dont really trust you the police cotton is kinda expensive and tate is still livid with me cause i ruined his date with crappu and they had to come and get me out like they were my dad and mum! and i always wear tight jeans dont you know that about me?!! our friendship was a lie!!
SerafineMiniati 10 martie 2024  
yea and i needed one yesterday too, the hell were u? what kind of friend are u? didn't u say i was ur sis and u used to call me cherry? why are you calling me by my name now .
i said i am sorry okay. well i didnt, but i tell u now, dont make me say it ever again.
i dont pay attention to clothing, jagger, if u know what i mean. was??? in the past? so u dont want us to be friends anymore or what ? just when i finally dont find u that annoying anymore ? after i refrained many times to not hit on ur wife cuz yea she is hot and tried to be a good friend and listen to u babbling around for hours about ur married life ? after i forgave u when u were a jerk and asked me how much i charge ?fine. then dont show up at my door again especially at 3 AM bawling ur eyes OUT for who knows what reason cause i wont answer maybe ill peek through the door key cuz i would enjoy seeing u suffer slowly
SeksJagger 10 martie 2024  
t hats called gaslightning! what your doing right now!! i know it nirvana learned me about that. she also said you are not healthy for me she also told me you resemble my wife and thats too much pressure on my head cause i already have to deal with a polarbear so i think its better if yes we wont be friends anymore unless,,,..not saying that i can be bought i have many money but you do make very good gifts !
SerafineMiniati 11 martie 2024  
what are u talking about. not healthy. i rly tried to behave for u . what is this sudden change. why does there have to be pressure to be friends with me jagger. tell that nirvana to stop f~cking interfering . she doesn't even know me .
stupid for me to think ur different.! ur a man afterall and all u do is disappoint . i knew i shouldn't have trusted you. u know what is not even worth to fight . glad you liked my gifts. good luck with ur marriage. bye
SeksJagger 11 martie 2024  
you tried to behave for me ¡¿!¡ you were mean to me since recent whats with the change of heart now why do you wanna become real friends all of a sudden i dont trust ya im not that dumb yk you want to fry my d¥ck!¡
SerafineMiniati 11 martie 2024  
yea cause the hell u came and said u missed me ? u made me think we rly are becoming friends . and i messaged u thinking to make it up to u because i knew i was mean . and normally i would never do that cuz i have my ego . and now u came and said what ? whatever. don't know what i was thinking. yeah i might do that cuz theres nothing stopping me anymore since we're no longer friends so watch out i guess
SeksJagger 12 martie 2024  
yeh i told you i missed ya and then you told me rudely that you were busy your messing with ma brain and i am a fragile boy and dont yOu dare snip snip my pride &joy the world cant be depriived of mini jaggers ill populate it with elite 66666666
SerafineMiniati 12 martie 2024  
no you are messing with me. don't send that text to me any more i am a sensitive woman i get attached easily so get out of my face .! its ur fault
the hell should i care ? & why the f~ck u send me those 6s for? u remind me of someone im mad with . stop it
& why are u STILL answering me? cut it out now .! I AM the one who has the last word if u didnt noticed!!!!!!!! so shut up already! u're exasperating.
SerafineMiniati 12 martie 2024  
SeksJagger 12 martie 2024  
….,,,,,sooo anyway i hope your still gonna buy our album coming out this week<3
SerafineMiniati 12 martie 2024  
i think the money i’ve already spent on you are enough, thank u <3
AtlasEbner 4 februarie 2024  
Look who's still aliveeee
SeksJagger 8 februarie 2024  
alright i may look lik a hot zombie but
AtlasEbner 9 februarie 2024  
My bro, I've seen prettier zombies in The Walking Dead
In the first 2 seasons, back when it was good, I mean
SerafineMiniati 25 decembrie 2023  
ok bambi easy with that
SeksJagger 25 decembrie 2023  
omg cherry we even have nickanmes for eachother!!!!
SerafineMiniati 25 decembrie 2023  
cherry? im starting to get a little turned on by all the attention u re giving me today, jagger, im soooo flattered. im all red just thinking about it. it tickles my tiptoe.
.....but lets face it,,. i dont do ...married couples, they're rlly boring & uninteresting to me, soooorry. so it is not gonna happen. now dont get me mad and leave me the f!ck alone
SeksJagger 26 decembrie 2023  
sera…cherry…close enough
that doesnt mean anything you get turned on by anybody and everything! i know that cause im the swmr see we are basically sisters from another mister so sis i dont do incest im not hitting on you!!¡¡! and idk if im married anymore she has a restriktion order on me too i am That irrrresistible you allll need to restrain yourself from my irrresistibillilility
SerafineMiniati 26 decembrie 2023  
dont tell me that again.
so what the f!ck do u want from me then? and dont even say that crappy friendship thing again. the f~ck is wrong with u? i dont want to be friends or anything else . u once told me indirectly that i was a prostitute remember ?>. ??????? do u think i f~cking forgot?
...... buuuuut i can somehow think of a truce cause u kinda annoy sechs and i like to see him pissed. but no friends. u will have to do more than whisper cute pathetic nicknames in my ear
SeksJagger 26 decembrie 2023  
i did? and whats wrong with that what do you have against prostituues they are working people we should respekt everybody cherry why dont you wanna be besties i am the greatest friend ever just ask tate
tate tate tate where are you f@#,@cker come voucher 4 me
SerafineMiniati 27 decembrie 2023  
******&rolls eyes** thank u for ur humanitarian lesson. <3
oh no DONT call anyone else from ur little group the f~!ck u think we are having,,,, a pyjama party? its enough that i let YOU in.
why? cus i dont f~ckin trust u thats why
RayaDashaAssol 28 martie 2023  
Subtle, daddy's boy.
SeksJagger 28 martie 2023  
ill send my therapists billl to you!
RayaDashaAssol 28 martie 2023  
And I'm going to send the bill to your daddy.
SeksJagger 29 martie 2023  
ha! good luck w/ that hes a tough one to get a hold of
SeksJagger 28 martie 2023  
just wait and see
ill give you a bald nights sleep
RayaDashaAssol 28 martie 2023  
Nothing can ruin my sleep.
akumasuki 27 martie 2023  
when hes illiterate ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀:¨ ·.· ¨:
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ `· . ꔫ
akumasuki 27 martie 2023  
you embarrass me
SeksJagger 27 martie 2023  
who are you sideying with woman.
SikCender 19 martie 2023  
me adr u take me in
SeksJagger 19 martie 2023  
who is this shein untalented ugly and penniless version of me?
SikCender 19 martie 2023  
me no talentet me noeyless
but me live you
teach me
SikCender 19 martie 2023  
me love u
akumasuki 12 martie 2023  
i dont wanna have anything to do with you if you cut ur hair (`Д´)
SeksJagger 12 martie 2023  
what kind of wife r you :| you dont see me - - a feminist man of this hip modern progreszzive generation - dektate your style do you
akumasuki 12 martie 2023  
now that u mentioned it
were u a feminist when u were havin so much fun with ur other `girlfriends`
so yes ill dictate ur style if iwant to
ugly insect
grow ur hair back .
SeksJagger 12 martie 2023  
what girlfireds you locked me up cause you are delululusional i couldnt even go to rehearsels without your prying eyes praying matnis
maybe i will join that weirdass rats cult abd shave it all off!!!!!!
akumasuki 12 martie 2023  
akumasuki 12 martie 2023  
AxlMoore 11 martie 2023  
told ya suki
will come
around fcker
SeksJagger 13 martie 2023  
she had no choice m8
TateZeitgeist 11 martie 2023  
What the crack man?
SeksJagger 11 martie 2023  
you were there and you definetly careied a bunch of marigolds what you dont rememebr the most special daynof my life?!!!????????
TateZeitgeist 11 martie 2023  
I thought I was going to be the flower girl.
NatsukiSaito 7 februarie 2023  
u still got that ugly cocrkRoach face .
SeksJagger 8 februarie 2023  
the one that you like soooooo muchamd you dream of everynighttt?
SerafineMiniati 6 februarie 2023  
SeksJagger 7 februarie 2023  
were you THAT drunk? calling my name wrong on an on an on its seKs btw not seCHs
SerafineMiniati 7 februarie 2023  
drunk enough to meet up with ur cockroach ass it seems
f!ck0 u& Him both with ur stupid ugly rat names
SeksJagger 7 februarie 2023  
now who got your panties in. atwist woman i rekomnet therapy it reaLly helps fr rn
SerafineMiniati 7 februarie 2023  
why the f!2@ck u care

and i recommend that u lock yourself up in a straitjacket at the insane asylum thanks
SeksJagger 8 februarie 2023  
aahaaawa i admit that that satanits bald guy has verty nice taste in women
TateZeitgeist 6 iulie 2022  
Infinite Basil too?
SeksJagger 11 iulie 2022  
yea thats why i met up with him in the 1st place duuh
YngvildYager 5 iulie 2022  
it would've been more appropriate to put you in front of a dictionary
SeksJagger 5 iulie 2022  
BET if you do this you wont be the smart one anyome i can be very intleigent if i want to yk
TateZeitgeist 29 iunie 2022  
Suki, din fortabte, skatTTTT
SeksJagger 29 iunie 2022  
hun vil så gerne have mig tilbage hun er tilbage i min dms
TateZeitgeist 29 iunie 2022  
Så skide varmt.
TateZeitgeist 29 iunie 2022  
Du ser ud som om du har været efterladt i din mors mave for længe.
SeksJagger 10 aprilie 2022  
eat my salsiccia
SeksJagger 10 aprilie 2022  
im half italian you disrespectful ass its tomato sauce not that irreverenbt american skide
BasilRenard 30 martie 2022  
Hej, hej, Monika! Hej på dig, Monika!
SeksJagger 31 martie 2022  
sorry dude if tate doesnt like you i cant either
NatsukiSaito 29 martie 2022  

SeksJagger 29 martie 2022  
sorry moc- -umm natsuki. cant f@#ck me now no more
TateZeitgeist 29 martie 2022  
SeksJagger 29 martie 2022  
tak konge
TateZeitgeist 29 martie 2022  
Me------onika. Ikke dig, klaptorsk.
TateZeitgeist 29 martie 2022  
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