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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 1 aprilie 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦ Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform
                          Account name:broadwaybaby
      Revolution, justice, screaming for solutions.
      Revolution, justice, screaming for solutions.
     Tryin not to make a joke about my new friend.
     Tryin not to make a joke about my new friend.
     I was today years old when I found out there is one.
     I was today years old when I found out there is one.
     Life advice from yours truly.
     Life advice from yours truly.
     So let's get drunk ... NOT with liquer, fame works quicker.
     So let's get drunk ... NOT with liquer, fame works quicker.
      Yellow.; @princessnoorain.

Comentarii album • 24
EthanRamsey 27 februarie 2024  
congrats my brother!!! may your love be greater than any obstacle
RhysRemington 29 februarie 2024  
Thank you, bro!! It means a lot! See you at my bachelor party!
OpheliaGilwraeth 26 februarie 2024  
oHhHhHh my godddddd poor noorain is stuck with you now im sooo happyyyy
RhysRemington 26 februarie 2024  
Now I hope you and Aske know how to plan a killer bachelor party! Maybe a little something from your shop too
RedMcIntosh 26 februarie 2024  
I am as happy as a clam! congratulations to both of you ᰔᩚ — ochhh I cannot wait to go wedding dress shopping.
RhysRemington 26 februarie 2024  
Thank you so much, Miss Red! It means a lot to both of us❤️
SechsAlastor 26 februarie 2024  
i didn't expect this rhys boy thought u were still a virgin
RhysRemington 26 februarie 2024  
Is that why you are always nice to me, buddy? You thought we could be like your weirdo friend and his girlfriend? Awww
SechsAlastor 26 februarie 2024  
ArielEgilsdottir 7 aprilie 2023  
Good boy.
AxlMoore 4 martie 2023  
ArielEgilsdottir 3 aprilie 2022  
revolution for what?
RhysRemington 3 aprilie 2022  
Knew that might summon you.
ArielEgilsdottir 3 aprilie 2022  
you were trying to get my attention Rhys?
not really my scene, but fun nonetheless. who are you playing?
RhysRemington 3 aprilie 2022  
Maybe... ? Heard you are big on riots and I'll be down for that.
Usually? I am behind the scene screaming at people to do their jobs. In that particular event? Mark, the resident single.
ArielEgilsdottir 3 aprilie 2022  
You like riots? What are you protesting against?
I see. screaming at people, an activist indeed. Pleased to meet you, I'm Ariel.
RhysRemington 3 aprilie 2022  
Haven't you heard? Theatre has always been about the underdogs. The s€xual eliberation, expressing your gender identity , expressing your s€xuality, political views, going against the norm. A second home for anyone that needs a place like that.
As for screaming, I have a bad temper. That is corect. Comes from being a perfectionist.
ArielEgilsdottir 4 aprilie 2022  
Too bad I suck at acting. But I know how to shout, so when you need a loud voice you can shout for me.
MonikaGunther 3 aprilie 2022  
When we meet up, we should eat some tacos!
RhysRemington 3 aprilie 2022  
I know a place.
FelixColumbeanu 2 aprilie 2022  
Te-aș adopta.
RhysRemington 2 aprilie 2022  
What about your kid..... ?
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