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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 1 aprilie 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦ Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform
                          Account name: moonlight.flower

                       I like broken people, they always have
                         a unique way of seeing things.
selfie? maybe try selfish or sell fish?
selfie? maybe try selfish or sell fish?
single & proud mamma
single & proud mamma
i think my dog will murder me in my sleep one day. And yes, I am german and my dog is a; German Shepherd.
i think my dog will murder me in my sleep one day. And yes, I am german and my dog is a
a f$%&cking eagle just stole my sandwich.
a f$%&cking eagle just stole my sandwich.
everybody`s invited to the birthday party for my Lena. (baby party in the afternoon, crazy; party when on the sky you see the moon)
everybody`s invited to the birthday party for my Lena. (baby party in the afternoon, crazy
make-up before 5PM News.
make-up before 5PM News.

Comentarii album • 13
inolovesasu 20 aprilie 2022  
RhysRemington 3 aprilie 2022  
Princess Lena being just as cute as her mamma.
MonikaGunther 3 aprilie 2022  
Aw, thanks, Rhys ❤️
OttovandeHoek 3 aprilie 2022  
Nice dog.
MonikaGunther 3 aprilie 2022  
MonikaGunther 3 aprilie 2022  
AskeOswaldHeinrich 3 aprilie 2022  
i think your dog is part-time green lantern
MonikaGunther 3 aprilie 2022  
It's funny, the actor seems familiar, I don't know how...
FelixColumbeanu 2 aprilie 2022  
Mincinoaso ne vedem noi la tribunal.
MonikaGunther 2 aprilie 2022  
Sure, I got my lawyers prepared. And mrs. Mirela VaiYES is waiting for me next week!
FelixColumbeanu 2 aprilie 2022  
Deșteapto eu am căutat-o pe Mirela.
Săptămâna viitoare avem showdown.
Pregătește-ti decolteul.
MonikaGunther 2 aprilie 2022  
I will, don't worry, these days I need to wear maternal blouses to feed the baby. I will bring Lena there too. Maybe when you see her, you'll stop being such a pig. That's what I want, for both of you to meet each other from time to time, it's not her fault after all!
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