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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 22 aprilie 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦ Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform
                         Account name: jadakinʼKlair
Alejandro Jodorowsky⁏ spitting facts
Alejandro Jodorowsky⁏ spitting facts
bona ⸺ fide
bona ⸺ fide
legends go unnoticed
legends go unnoticed
hacked some corporations, wbu lol?
hacked some corporations, wbu lol?
jester’s privilege
jester’s privilege
Lost in Japan
Lost in Japan
I take walks outside too, I’m a man of nature
I take walks outside too, I’m a man of nature
He thinks he’s God.
He thinks he’s God.

Comentarii album • 17
alinaioana 5 septembrie 2023  
Great honey sweet ♡☆:*
SechsAlastor 31 martie 2023  
good thing it's only a hunch, starting to believe it would have been an obsolete conviction
there can only be a god, your new-found religions are starting to pisSSSss me off
absurd! first was the hinduism then judaism, buddhism, christianity, islam, sikhism and it just keeps going more and more ism's at the end that mean nothingGg, guess what 'tards you are all just bowing to me
JadariusSinclair 31 martie 2023  
You done, lizard?
VerushkaGlebovichBykau 31 martie 2023  
He is not! Thɑt is ɑ blɑsphemγ. Psγchologicɑllγ, it’s cɑlled “delusions of gɾɑndeuɾ.” You might wɑnt to hɑve thɑt checked out, else γou might end up ɑs Mɾ. Sechs Alɑstoɾ.
JadariusSinclair 31 martie 2023  
Go back to kissing religious icons, Verushka
VerushkaGlebovichBykau 31 martie 2023  
A! And γou the miɾɾoɾ!
SechsAlastor 31 martie 2023  
look at my favorite virgin, sticking up with me, i think i'm red with emotion
VerushkaGlebovichBykau 31 martie 2023  
I think γou got sunbuɾned. You’ɾe ɑlso delusionɑl. It mɑkes peɾfect sense, since γou’ɾe pɾettγ pɑle, especiɑllγ without the hɑiɾ to pɾotect γou. Weɑɾ ɑ cɑp ɑnd use lots of SPF!
JadariusSinclair 13 mai 2022  
You just can’t keep your eyes off of me
SerenaBeneviento 13 mai 2022  
Oh my - how did you know?
JadariusSinclair 14 mai 2022  
Witchery & such
SerenaBeneviento 13 mai 2022  
Trying to look smart?
JadariusSinclair 13 mai 2022  
I don’t have to try, unlike you
SerenaBeneviento 13 mai 2022  
Oh so you think I'm smart?
JadariusSinclair 13 mai 2022  
Proves my point exactly
SeksJagger 27 martie 2023  
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