125 poze   904 vizite

- Annyeonghaseyo

Annyeonghaseyo! Here is EunJin !
Welcome on my page !

Here guys ! I'm a girl who is in love with KPop !

So I hope to find more fans who love KPop like me !

Also I Love KDrama !
What i DISLIKE !

What i dislike!
■ 》 Haters ,Envious,Fakes/falsehood ,Lies,Victimisation Fake !

If you have questions for me ,you can ask me right here !
Peace and Heaven !

And I hope to become good friends:)

Chick chick CLICK :)
Annyeonghaseyo! !
Annyeonghaseyo! !

Comentarii album • 2
JiHeex3 20 octombrie 2020  
Bună~ ^^
EunJin 20 octombrie 2020  
Buna :)
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