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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 10 februarie 2024

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                         account name: choo-choo-charles
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I′m Charlie.
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I′m Charlie.
In me free time, I fancy a go on the old choo-choo, pretendin′ I′m some Agatha Christie character.
In me free time, I fancy a go on the old choo-choo, pretendin′ I′m some Agatha Christie character.
′Ere′s a snap I took to get a proper feel for me aesthetic.
′Ere′s a snap I took to get a proper feel for me aesthetic.
This ′ere′s George, I give him a lift now and then. Used to be a proper F1 driver, ′e did.
This ′ere′s George, I give him a lift now and then. Used to be a proper F1 driver, ′e did.
And ′ere′s yours truly, behind the wheel of one of ′is motors. We was ′eading to the pharmacy.
And ′ere′s yours truly, behind the wheel of one of ′is motors. We was ′eading to the pharmacy.
Good morning everyone. Day 2 in Paris.
Good morning everyone. Day 2 in Paris.
Now, let me give you the lowdown on Alice.; She′s the one who ran a tailor shop down in Mayfair, she did. Proper skilled with a needle and thread, that woman.
Now, let me give you the lowdown on Alice.
And  ′ere′s  ′er snazzy motor. You see, Felipe,  I′ve got meself some leisurewear too, I  ′ave.
And ′ere′s ′er snazzy motor. You see, Felipe, I′ve got meself some leisurewear too, I ′ave.
Got a bit miffed, I did, coz I went and charred them eggs. Proper let down, mate.; Kitchen ain′t my strongest suit, clearly.
Got a bit miffed, I did, coz I went and charred them eggs. Proper let down, mate.
Day 3 in Paris. And sorry, Penn, but this place just looks like a bloomin′ vertical railway to me.; Can′t help it, mate, that′s how me brain sees it!
Day 3 in Paris. And sorry, Penn, but this place just looks like a bloomin′ vertical railway to me.
Meet Reggie, the big shot literary critic. We ended up on the tube after the motor decided to call; it quits.
Meet Reggie, the big shot literary critic. We ended up on the tube after the motor decided to call
Day 4. Valentine′s Day in Paris!
Day 4. Valentine′s Day in Paris!

Comentarii album • 57
elliot 22 martie 2024  
CharliePaddington 28 martie 2024  
Paris or some place in Germany, depends on the quality of the sausage, innit?
elliot 22 martie 2024  
Next thing you know, — they are asking for my id everywhere I go.
I promise that's still me
KayleighDalton 12 martie 2024  
And why, pray tell, he's in your hotel room while I'm waiting in my Eve costume in ours???
elliot 22 martie 2024  
I will make it up to you, baby
CharliePaddington 15 martie 2024  
Y'should come to Kailea's birthday bash, then… We was 'avin' a proper boys' night, we was.
KayleighDalton 12 martie 2024  
That's not my boyfriend.
elliot 22 martie 2024  
I am not?
KayleighDalton 29 martie 2024  
I guess I like you more with a beard. What can I say... only because of its roughness.
KiraKun 20 februarie 2024  
love failed, i guess >/<
FiadhDreoilinOak 12 februarie 2024  
Do you like green beanṥ ?
CharliePaddington 13 februarie 2024  
Yes, very much so.
FiadhDreoilinOak 13 februarie 2024  
You have ṥtirred up the hornet'ṥ neṥt with thiṥ one. . .
CharliePaddington 13 februarie 2024  
It's a thing bears do sometimes, yeah...
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Can you set Penn on fire as well?
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
I'm pretty sure he'll flambé me.
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
I'll protect you.
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Sorry I couldn't protect you too.
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
I love Alice ♥
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
George is very hot. I'd like to see him in his youth!!!
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Yes, it was quite warm that day and he was wearing a ridiculously thick coat! That's what I said! imgur.com/a/xOP8D7G
elliot 12 februarie 2024  
Could have been worse, — us instead of the eggs.
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
I'm sorry I put you at risk. Next time we make a salad.
elliot 12 februarie 2024  
Take me on a ride on George's car, — only then I can forgive you.
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Why not Alice's car?
elliot 12 februarie 2024  
So I can send a photo to my mum, huge f1 fan, — In love with Fernando Alonso or something.
YusefAbulAlQadi 12 februarie 2024  
Your digital diary makes me feel like I'm watching The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but an urban version
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
That's the nicest compliment anyone's ever paid me.
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Okay, but the real question: Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple?
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Poirot, but you can be Miss Marple.
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Now we just have to wait for someone to kill Penn.
Tintype 12 februarie 2024  
Impossible. I have 6 guards around me at all times. Muscular, sexy men that is, so just try.
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Challenge accepted.
FelipeLuizdelaCruz 12 februarie 2024  
Do you always dress professionally, even in your spare time?
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Felipe, that's just how I dress. I see you like suits too. You want to borrow?
FelipeLuizdelaCruz 12 februarie 2024  
Is that car named Petunia?
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
How did you know? Is Alice your grandma?
FelipeLuizdelaCruz 12 februarie 2024  
Only if she is a home owner.
AdderGavroche 11 februarie 2024  
Bonjour, Charlie~ if you want to visit places more beautiful than Parissss, let me know, we can go to the ruins in my commune
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
Or the Catacombs?
AdderGavroche 12 februarie 2024  
~wherever your heart desires, mon pote
XingxingLi 11 februarie 2024  
nice to meet you charlie, i'm xīngxīng!
CharliePaddington 11 februarie 2024  
Nice to meet you, Lady Star.
XingxingLi 11 februarie 2024  
╰╮★ how is your evening?
CharliePaddington 11 februarie 2024  
Quite pleasant, thank you. Though I'm having a hard time adjusting to these cameras being shoved in my face. And Elliot makes me feel fairly anxious when I talk. He stands too close to us. And you, enjoying Paris so far?
elliot 12 februarie 2024  
Pretend I am not here, mate.
XingxingLi 12 februarie 2024  
i'm so sorry, as soon as i arrived at the hotel i went to ᶻᶻsleep. i don't really like cameras either. ˙◠˙ it was a very nice walk. would you like to join me someday?
CharliePaddington 12 februarie 2024  
That's understandable, you had a longer flight than me. I'd be happy to join you. Meet me in the lobby later?
XingxingLi 12 februarie 2024  
耶✌see you in a bit.
Tintype 11 februarie 2024  
Grandpa core, as the hip youngsters call it.
CharliePaddington 11 februarie 2024  
I happen to have no children.
Tintype 11 februarie 2024  
But do you wish to have any?
CharliePaddington 11 februarie 2024  
Are you my therapist? My gynecologist? My grandmother?
Tintype 11 februarie 2024  
Funny kid. No, it just happens that I made a bet with the people from the staff that this year's season will end in a pregnancy and I'm just narrowing down the potential candidates. You're still on the list.
CharliePaddington 11 februarie 2024  
That's a bit immature. Aren't you almost middle-aged?
Tintype 12 februarie 2024  
My heart is young... okay? No, I don't need tissues, Angela, I'm not upset. Excuse me for a moment.
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